首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE >Patch Clamp Recordings from Mouse Retinal Neurons in a Dark-adapted Slice Preparation

Patch Clamp Recordings from Mouse Retinal Neurons in a Dark-adapted Slice Preparation




Our visual experience is initiated when the visual pigment in our retinal photoreceptors absorbs photons of light energy and initiates a cascade of intracellular events that lead to closure of cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels in the cell membrane. The resulting change in membrane potential leads in turn to reductions in the amount of neurotransmitter release from both rod and cone synaptic terminals. To measure how the light-evoked change in photoreceptor membrane potential leads to downstream activity in the retina, scientists have made electrophysiological recordings from retinal slice preparations for decades1,2. In the past these slices have been cut manually with a razor blade on retinal tissue that is attached to filter paper; in recent years another method of slicing has been developed whereby retinal tissue is embedded in low gelling temperature agar and sliced in cool solution with a vibrating microtome3,4. This preparation produces retinal slices with less surface damage and very robust light-evoked responses. Here we document how this procedure can be done under infrared light to avoid bleaching the visual pigment.
机译:当我们的视网膜感光细胞中的可视色素吸收光能的光子并引发一系列细胞内事件,从而导致细胞膜中的环核苷酸门控通道关闭时,我们便开始了视觉体验。膜电位的最终变化反过来导致杆和锥突触末端释放的神经递质减少。为了测量光感受器膜电位的变化如何导致视网膜下游活动,科学家数十年来一直用视网膜切片制剂制作电生理记录 1,2 。过去,这些切片是用剃刀在附着于滤纸的视网膜组织上手动切割的。近年来,已经开发出另一种切片方法,将视网膜组织包埋在低胶凝温度的琼脂中,并用振动切片机 3,4 在冷溶液中切片。该制剂产生的视网膜切片具有较少的表面损伤和非常强的光诱发反应。在这里,我们记录了如何在红外光下完成此过程以避免漂白可视颜料。



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