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Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Reprogramming Human Fibroblasts with the Stemgent Human TF Lentivirus Set




In 2006, Yamanaka and colleagues first demonstrated that retrovirus-mediated delivery and expression of Oct4, Sox2, c-Myc and Klf4 is capable of inducing the pluripotent state in mouse fibroblasts.1 The same group also reported the successful reprogramming of human somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells using human versions of the same transcription factors delivered by retroviral vectors.2 Additionally, James Thomson et al. reported that the lentivirus-mediated co-expression of another set of factors (Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Lin28) was capable of reprogramming human somatic cells into iPS cells.3iPS cells are similar to ES cells in morphology, proliferation and the ability to differentiate into all tissue types of the body. Human iPS cells have a distinct advantage over ES cells as they exhibit key properties of ES cells without the ethical dilemma of embryo destruction. The generation of patient-specific iPS cells circumvents an important roadblock to personalized regenerative medicine therapies by eliminating the potential for immune rejection of non-autologous transplanted cells.Here we demonstrate the protocol for reprogramming human fibroblast cells using the Stemgent Human TF Lentivirus Set. We also show that cells reprogrammed with this set begin to show iPS morphology four days post-transduction. Using the Stemolecule Y27632, we selected for iPS cells and observed correct morphology after three sequential rounds of colony picking and passaging. We also demonstrate that after reprogramming cells displayed the pluripotency marker AP, surface markers TRA-1-81, TRA-1-60, SSEA-4, and SSEA-3, and nuclear markers Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog.
机译:Yamanaka及其同事在2006年首次证明,逆转录病毒介导的Oct4,Sox2,c-Myc和Klf4的传递和表达能够诱导小鼠成纤维细胞的多能状态。 1 该小组还报道了 2 另外,James Thomson等人还成功地使用了人类版本的逆转录病毒载体传递的相同转录因子将人类体细胞重编程为诱导性多能干(iPS)细胞。报道慢病毒介导的另一组因子(Oct4,Sox2,Nanog和Lin28)的共表达能够将人体细胞重编程为iPS细胞。 3 iPS细胞与ES细胞相似。形态,增殖以及分化为人体所有组织类型的能力。人iPS细胞比ES​​细胞具有明显优势,因为它们具有ES细胞的关键特性,而没有胚胎破坏的道德困境。患者特异性iPS细胞的产生通过消除非自体移植细胞的免疫排斥潜力,为个性化再生医学治疗提供了重要的障碍。我们还显示了用该组重新编程的细胞在转导后四天开始显示iPS形态。使用Stemolecule Y27632,我们选择了iPS细胞,并在连续三轮进行集落挑选和传代后观察到正确的形态。我们还证明了重编程后的细胞显示了多能性标记AP,表面标记TRA-1-81,TRA-1-60,SSEA-4和SSEA-3,以及核标记Oct4,Sox2和Nanog。



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