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Comment on How will induced seismicity in Oklahoma respond to decreased saltwater injection rates? by C. Langenbruch and M. D. Zoback




The state of Oklahoma has experienced an unprecedented increase in earthquake activity since 2009, likely driven by large-scale wastewater injection operations. Statewide injection rates peaked in early 2015 and steadily decreased thereafter, approximately coinciding with collapsing oil prices and regulatory action. If seismic activity is primarily driven by fluid injection, a noticeable seismogenic response to the decrease in injection rates is expected. Langenbruch and Zoback suggest that “the probability of potentially damaging larger events, should significantly decrease by the end of 2016 and approach historic levels within a few years.” We agree that the rate of small earthquakes has decreased toward the second half of 2016. However, their specific predictions about seismic hazard require reexamination. We test the influence of the model parameters of Langenbruch and Zoback based on fits to observed seismicity distributions. The results suggest that a range of realistic aftershock decay rates and b values can lead to an increase in moderate earthquake probabilities from 37 to 80% in 2017 without any further alteration to the model. In addition, the observation that all four M ≥ 5 earthquakes to date occurred when injection rates were below the triggering threshold of Langenbruch and Zoback challenges the applicability of the model for the most societally significant events.
机译:自2009年以来,俄克拉荷马州经历了前所未有的地震活动增加,这很可能是由于大规模废水注入作业造成的。全州注入率在2015年初达到顶峰,此后稳步下降,大约与不断下跌的油价和监管行动相吻合。如果地震活动主要是由流体注入驱动的,则预期对注入速率降低会有明显的地震响应。 Langenbruch和Zoback建议:“到2016年底,可能会破坏较大事件的可能性将大大降低,并在几年内达到历史水平。”我们同意小地震的发生率在2016年下半年有所下降。但是,对地震危险性的具体预测需要重新审查。基于对观测到的地震分布的拟合,我们测试了Langenbruch和Zoback模型参数的影响。结果表明,在不对该模型进行任何进一步更改的情况下,一系列现实的余震衰减率和b值可以使2017年的中等地震概率从37%上升到80%。此外,迄今为止观察到的所有四个M≥5地震都是在注入速率低于Langenbruch和Zoback的触发阈值时发生的,这对该模型对最重大社会事件的适用性提出了挑战。



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