首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Schizophrenia Bulletin >Probabilistic Reversal Learning in Schizophrenia: Stability of Deficits and Potential Causal Mechanisms

Probabilistic Reversal Learning in Schizophrenia: Stability of Deficits and Potential Causal Mechanisms




Although individuals with schizophrenia show impaired feedback-driven learning on probabilistic reversal learning (PRL) tasks, the specific factors that contribute to these deficits remain unknown. Recent work has suggested several potential causes including neurocognitive impairments, clinical symptoms, and specific types of feedback-related errors. To examine this issue, we administered a PRL task to 126 stable schizophrenia outpatients and 72 matched controls, and patients were retested 4 weeks later. The task involved an initial probabilistic discrimination learning phase and subsequent reversal phases in which subjects had to adjust their responses to sudden shifts in the reinforcement contingencies. Patients showed poorer performance than controls for both the initial discrimination and reversal learning phases of the task, and performance overall showed good test–retest reliability among patients. A subgroup analysis of patients (n = 64) and controls (n = 49) with good initial discrimination learning revealed no between-group differences in reversal learning, indicating that the patients who were able to achieve all of the initial probabilistic discriminations were not impaired in reversal learning. Regarding potential contributors to impaired discrimination learning, several factors were associated with poor PRL, including higher levels of neurocognitive impairment, poor learning from both positive and negative feedback, and higher levels of indiscriminate response shifting. The results suggest that poor PRL performance in schizophrenia can be the product of multiple mechanisms.
机译:尽管精神分裂症患者对概率逆向学习(PRL)任务的反馈驱动学习能力受损,但导致这些缺陷的具体因素仍然未知。最近的工作已经提出了几种潜在原因,包括神经认知障碍,临床症状以及与反馈相关的错误的特定类型。为了研究这个问题,我们对126位稳定的精神分裂症门诊患者和72位相匹配的对照组实施了PRL任务,并在4周后对患者进行了重新测试。该任务涉及一个初始的概率辨别学习阶段和随后的逆转阶段,在此阶段中,受试者必须调整自己的反应,以应对强化突发事件的突然变化。在任务的最初辨别和逆向学习阶段,患者表现均较对照组差,并且总体表现为患者之间良好的重测信度。对具有良好初始歧视学习能力的患者(n = 64)和对照组(n = 49)进行的亚组分析显示,逆向学习的组间无差异,表明能够实现所有初始概率歧视的患者均未受到损害在逆向学习中。关于歧视学习受损的潜在原因,PRL不良与多种因素有关,包括较高的神经认知障碍水平,从正反馈和负反馈中学习不良以及不分皂白的反应转移水平。结果表明,精神分裂症中PRL表现不佳可能是多种机制的产物。



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