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Mixing of porpoise ecotypes in southwestern UK waters revealed by genetic profiling




Contact zones between ecotypes are windows for understanding how species may react to climate changes. Here, we analysed the fine-scale genetic and morphological variation in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around the UK by genotyping 591 stranded animals at nine microsatellite loci. The data were integrated with a prior study to map at high resolution the contact zone between two previously identified ecotypes meeting in the northern Bay of Biscay. Clustering and spatial analyses revealed that UK porpoises are derived from two genetic pools with porpoises from the southwestern UK being genetically differentiated, and having larger body sizes compared to those of other UK areas. Southwestern UK porpoises showed admixed ancestry between southern and northern ecotypes with a contact zone extending from the northern Bay of Biscay to the Celtic Sea and Channel. Around the UK, ancestry blends from one genetic group to the other along a southwest--northeast axis, correlating with body size variation, consistent with previously reported morphological differences between the two ecotypes. We also detected isolation by distance among juveniles but not in adults, suggesting that stranded juveniles display reduced intergenerational dispersal. The fine-scale structure of this admixture zone raises the question of how it will respond to future climate change and provides a reference point for further study.
机译:生态型之间的接触区是了解物种如何对气候变化做出反应的窗口。在这里,我们通过对9个微卫星基因座上的591条滞留动物进行基因分型,分析了英国海港海豚(Phocoena phocoena)的精细尺度遗传和形态变异。数据与先前的研究相结合,以高分辨率绘制了比斯开湾北部北部两个先前确定的生态类型之间的接触区。聚类和空间分析表明,英国海豚是从两个遗传库中获得的,而来自英国西南部的海豚在遗传上有所区分,与其他英国地区相比,体型更大。英国西南部的海豚在南部和北部的生态型之间有着混合的祖先,接触区从比斯开湾北部延伸到凯尔特海和海峡。在英国各地,祖先沿着西南-东北轴从一个基因组融合到另一个基因组,与体型变化相关,这与先前报道的两种生态型之间的形态差异一致。我们还检测了青少年之间的距离隔离,但未检测到成年人,这表明滞留的青少年显示出减少的代际传播。该混合区的精细结构提出了如何应对未来气候变化的问题,并为进一步研究提供了参考。



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