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Asenapine for the Control of Physical Aggression: A Prospective Naturalist Pilot Study




It has been previously purported that higher relative affinity to the dopamine D4 receptor compared to D2 (i.e., D4/D2 affinity ratio > 1) may underlie unique antiaggression potency. Asenapine is a newer antipsychotic that also has D4/D2 affinity ratio > 1. It has demonstrated efficacy in reducing acute agitation in a placebo-controlled study. We performed a prospective naturalistic, pilot, proof of concept study on an inpatient psychiatric unit. Among patients with aggression at time of admission (≥ 12 on Refined Aggression Questionnaire [RAQ], or ≥ 2 on Modified Overt Aggression Scale [MOAS]), asenapine treatment was associated with a significant reduction in total aggression as measured by the MOAS (−14.7 ± 11.59 vs. −5.4 ± 10.12, P = 0.045), and particularly physical aggression (−8.0 ± 5.06 vs. −0.78 ± 2.40, P < 0.0001) compared to treatment that did not include asenapine. These data suggest that asenapine may be useful in the targeted treatment of aggression, and provide some support for the D4/D2 affinity ratio hypothesis.
机译:以前据称与D2相比,对多巴胺D4受体的相对亲和力更高(即D4 / D2亲和比> 1)可能是独特的抗攻击能力的基础。阿塞那平是一种较新的抗精神病药,其D4 / D2亲和比也> 1。在安慰剂对照研究中,阿塞那平已证明可有效减少急性躁动。我们对住院的精神科进行了前瞻性的自然主义,先导性概念验证研究。在入院时有攻击性的患者中(经精炼的攻击性问卷[RAQ]≥12,或在改良的公开攻击量表[MOAS]≥2时),阿塞那平治疗与通过MOAS测得的总攻击力显着降低有关(-与不包括阿塞那平的治疗相比,14.7±11.59 vs. −5.4±10.12,P = 0.045),尤其是身体攻击性(−8.0±5.06 vs. −0.78±2.40,P <0.0001)。这些数据表明,阿塞那平可能在攻击性靶向治疗中有用,并为D4 / D2亲和比假说提供了一定的支持。



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