首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Dental calculus reveals Mesolithic foragers in the Balkans consumed domesticated plant foods

Dental calculus reveals Mesolithic foragers in the Balkans consumed domesticated plant foods




Researchers agree that domesticated plants were introduced into southeast Europe from southwest Asia as a part of a Neolithic “package,” which included domesticated animals and artifacts typical of farming communities. It is commonly believed that this package reached inland areas of the Balkans by ∼6200 calibrated (cal.) BC or later. Our analysis of the starch record entrapped in dental calculus of Mesolithic human teeth at the site of Vlasac in the Danube Gorges of the central Balkans provides direct evidence that already by ∼6600 cal. BC, if not earlier, Late Mesolithic foragers of this region consumed domestic cereals, such as Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum, and Hordeum distichon, which were also the main crops found among Early Neolithic communities of southeast Europe. We infer that “exotic” Neolithic domesticated plants were introduced to southern Europe independently almost half a millennium earlier than previously thought, through networks that enabled exchanges between inland Mesolithic foragers and early farming groups found along the Aegean coast of Turkey.
机译:研究人员一致认为,作为新石器时代“一揽子计划”的一部分,驯化植物是从西南亚引入东南亚的,其中包括了驯化的动物和农业社区的典型人工制品。通常认为,这种包裹是在大约公元前6200年(经校准)或更晚的时间到达巴尔干内陆地区的。我们对巴尔干半岛中部多瑙河峡谷Vlasac站点中石器时代人类牙齿的牙结石中所记录的淀粉记录的分析提供了直接证据,表明大约6600 cal。公元前,如果不是更早的话,该地区的中石器时代晚期觅食者食用了国内谷物,例如小麦单粒小麦,双粒小麦和大麦(Hordeum distichon),它们也是东南欧新石器时代早期社区的主要农作物。我们推断,通过网络使内陆中石器时代的觅食者与土耳其爱琴海沿岸的早期耕种群体之间的交流能够将“异国”新石器时代的驯化植物比先前认为的提前近半个世纪独立引入欧洲南部。



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