首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >Extensive Geographical Mixing of 2009 Human H1N1 Influenza A Virus in a Single University Community

Extensive Geographical Mixing of 2009 Human H1N1 Influenza A Virus in a Single University Community




Despite growing interest in the molecular epidemiology of influenza virus, the pattern of viral spread within individual communities remains poorly understood. To determine the phylogeography of influenza virus in a single population, we examined the spatial diffusion of H1N1/09 influenza A virus within the student body of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), sampling for a 1-month period between October and November 2009. Despite the highly focused nature of our study, an analysis of complete viral genome sequences revealed between 24 and 33 independent introductions of H1N1/09 into the UCSD community, comprising much of the global genetic diversity in this virus. These data were also characterized by a relatively low level of on-campus transmission as well as extensive spatial mixing, such that there was little geographical clustering by either student residence or city ZIP code. Most notably, students experiencing illness on the same day and residing in the same dorm possessed phylogenetically distinct lineages. H1N1/09 influenza A virus is therefore characterized by a remarkable spatial fluidity, which is likely to impede community-based methods for its control, including class cancellations, quarantine, and chemoprophylaxis.
机译:尽管人们对流感病毒的分子流行病学越来越感兴趣,但是在各个社区内病毒传播的方式仍然知之甚少。为了确定单个人群中流感病毒的系统地理学,我们研究了H1N1 / 09甲型流感病毒在加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)学生体内的空间扩散,在10月至2004年的1个月内进行了采样2009年11月。尽管我们研究的重点非常突出,但对完整病毒基因组序列的分析显示,在UCSD社区中有24到33次独立的H1N1 / 09引入H1N1 / 09,包括该病毒的许多全球遗传多样性。这些数据还具有较低的校园内传播水平以及广泛的空间混合特征,因此几乎没有按学生居住地或城市邮政编码进行地理分组。最值得注意的是,在同一天患病并住在同一宿舍的学生拥有系统发育上不同的血统。因此,H1N1 / 09甲型流感病毒的特点是具有显着的空间流动性,这很可能会阻碍基于社区的控制方法,包括取消分类,隔离和化学预防。


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