首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Secondary structure of complement component C3a anaphylatoxin in solution as determined by NMR spectroscopy: differences between crystal and solution conformations.

Secondary structure of complement component C3a anaphylatoxin in solution as determined by NMR spectroscopy: differences between crystal and solution conformations.




Two-dimensional 1H NMR investigations were used to locate elements of regular secondary structure in the human complement protein C3a (the des-Arg77 derivative) in solution. The results were compared to a refined crystal structure based on the 3.2-A resolution structure of des-Arg77-C3a [Huber, R., Scholze, H., Paques, E. P. & Deisenhofer, J. (1980) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 361, 1389-1399]. In excellent agreement with the x-ray data, helices occur in the regions of residues 17-28 and 36-43 in solution. In contrast to the x-ray data, where a third long helix was found from residue 47 to residue 73, the solution data show a shorter helix in the region from residue 47 to residue 66, followed by a transition range at positions 67-70, leading into a six-residue carboxyl-terminal peptide in dynamic random coil conformation. At the amino terminus, a well-defined helix is observed in solution for the residues 8-15 region, which, like the carboxyl terminus, gradually changes to dynamic random coil toward the end of the polypeptide chain. This is at variance with the x-ray data as well, in which residues 13-15 are nonhelical and no electron density could be assigned to the first 12 residues due to disorder.
机译:二维1H NMR研究用于确定溶液中人补体蛋白C3a(des-Arg77衍生物)中规则二级结构的元素。将结果与基于des-Arg77-C3a的3.2-A分辨率结构的精制晶体结构进行比较[Huber,R.,Scholze,H.,Paques,EP&Deisenhofer,J.(1980)Hoppe-Seyler's Z.生理。化学361,1389-1399]。与X射线数据非常吻合,螺旋出现在溶液中的残基17-28和36-43区域。与X射线数据相反,在X射线数据中发现了从残基47到残基73的第三个长螺旋,溶液数据显示,从残基47到残基66的区域中的螺旋较短,随后在67-70位发生了过渡,导致以动态随机线圈构象形成六残基的羧基末端肽。在氨基末端,在溶液中观察到残基8-15区域的明确定义的螺旋,该残基与羧基末端一样,逐渐朝着多肽链末端变化为动态无规卷曲。这也与x射线数据不同,在该数据中,残基13-15是非螺旋的,并且由于无序不能将电子密度分配给前12个残基。



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