首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >The complete cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of a type II mouse epidermal keratin of 60000 Da: analysis of sequence differences between type I and type II keratins.

The complete cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of a type II mouse epidermal keratin of 60000 Da: analysis of sequence differences between type I and type II keratins.

机译:II型小鼠表皮角蛋白60000 Da的完整cDNA和推导的氨基酸序列:分析I型和II型角蛋白之间的序列差异。



We present the complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of a mouse epidermal keratin subunit of 60,000 Da. The keratin possesses a central alpha-helical domain of four tracts (termed 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B) that can form coiled-coils, interspersed by short linker sequences, and has non-alpha-helical terminal domains. This pattern of secondary structure is emerging as common to all intermediate filament subunits. The alpha-helical sequences conform to the type II class of keratins. Accordingly, this is the first type II keratin for which complete sequence information is available, and thus it facilitates elucidation of the fundamental distinctions between type I and type II keratins. It has been observed that type I keratins are acidic and type II keratins are neutral--basic in charge. We suggest that the basis for this empirical correlation between type and charge resides in the respective net charges of the 1A and 2B tracts. Calculations on interchain interactions between charged residues in the alpha-helical domains indicate that this keratin prefers to participate in dimers according to an in-register parallel arrangement. The terminal domains of this keratin possess characteristic glycine-rich sequences, and the carboxyl-terminal domain is highly homologous to that of a human epidermal keratin of 56,000 Da. According to the hypothesis that end-domains are located on the periphery of keratin filaments, we conclude that the corresponding mouse and human keratins are closely related, both structurally and functionally.
机译:我们目前的小鼠表皮角蛋白亚基的60,000 Da的完整核苷酸和推导的氨基酸序列。角蛋白具有四个区域的中央α-螺旋结构域(称为1A,1B,2A和2B),可以形成卷曲螺旋,并散布有短的接头序列,并且具有非α-螺旋末端结构域。二级结构的这种模式对于所有中间细丝亚基来说是共同的。 α-螺旋序列符合II型角蛋白。因此,这是可获得完整序列信息的第一种II型角蛋白,因此有助于阐明I型和II型角蛋白之间的根本区别。已经观察到I型角蛋白是酸性的,而II型角蛋白是中性的-碱性。我们建议类型和电荷之间的这种经验相关性的基础在于1A和2B区域的相应净电荷。对α-螺旋结构域中带电残基之间的链间相互作用的计算表明,该角蛋白倾向于根据寄存器内平行排列参与二聚体。该角蛋白的末端结构域具有特征性的富含甘氨酸的序列,并且羧基末端结构域与人表皮角蛋白56,000 Da高度同源。根据端域位于角蛋白丝外围的假设,我们得出结论,相应的小鼠和人角蛋白在结构和功能上密切相关。



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