首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Frequency of UV-induced neoplastic transformation of diploid human fibroblasts is higher in xeroderma pigmentosum cells than in normal cells.

Frequency of UV-induced neoplastic transformation of diploid human fibroblasts is higher in xeroderma pigmentosum cells than in normal cells.




If neoplastic transformation of diploid human cells results from carcinogen-induced mutations, cells deficient in excision repair of UV-induced DNA damage should be significantly more sensitive to transformation by UV light than normal cells. We tested this hypothesis by irradiating fibroblasts from a xeroderma pigmentosum patient (XP7BE, complementation group D) with low doses of Uv light (254 nm) and cells from a normal person with much higher doses and comparing the frequency of transformation to anchorage independence. Both sets of cells exhibited a dose-dependent increase in transformation which corresponded to a dose-dependent decrease in survival. At doses that caused equal cell killing, the frequency of anchorage-independent cells was approximately equal. Colonies of XP7BE and normal cells isolated from agar, propagated, and injected into X-irradiated athymic mice produced fibrosarcomas in 100% of the animals. Normal cells irradiated shortly before the onset of DNA synthesis exhibited a high frequency of anchorage-independent cells; cells irradiated in early G1 showed no increase over background. These results agree with those we observed for UV induction of 6-thioguanine-resistant mutants in these cells and support the hypothesis that anchorage independence results from mutations induced by DNA replication on a damaged template.
机译:如果二倍体人类细胞的肿瘤转化是由致癌物诱导的突变引起的,则缺乏对紫外线诱导的DNA损伤进行切除修复的细胞应比正常细胞对紫外线的转化更为敏感。我们通过用低剂量的紫外光(254 nm)和来自高剂量的正常人的细胞辐照来自干性皮肤色素沉着病患者(XP7BE,补充组D)的成纤维细胞并比较高剂量正常人的细胞来测试该假设。两组细胞均表现出剂量依赖性的转化增加,其对应于存活率的剂量依赖性降低。在导致相等的细胞杀伤剂量的情况下,非贴壁细胞的频率大致相等。 XP7BE的菌落和从琼脂分离,繁殖并注入X射线辐射的无胸腺小鼠的菌落在100%的动物中产生了纤维肉瘤。在DNA合成开始之前不久照射的正常细胞表现出高频率的锚定非依赖性细胞。 G1早期照射的细胞未显示超过背景。这些结果与我们观察到的紫外线诱导这些细胞中6-硫代鸟嘌呤抗性突变体的结果一致,并支持以下假设:锚定独立性是由受损模板上的DNA复制诱导的突变导致的。



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