首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Plant Physiology >Rice Fertilization-Independent Endosperm1 Regulates Seed Size under Heat Stress by Controlling Early Endosperm Development

Rice Fertilization-Independent Endosperm1 Regulates Seed Size under Heat Stress by Controlling Early Endosperm Development




Although heat stress reduces seed size in rice (Oryza sativa), little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed reduction in seed size and yield. To elucidate the mechanistic basis of heat sensitivity and reduced seed size, we imposed a moderate (34°C) and a high (42°C) heat stress treatment on developing rice seeds during the postfertilization stage. Both stress treatments reduced the final seed size. At a cellular level, the moderate heat stress resulted in precocious endosperm cellularization, whereas severe heat-stressed seeds failed to cellularize. Initiation of endosperm cellularization is a critical developmental transition required for normal seed development, and it is controlled by Polycomb Repressive Complex2 (PRC2) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). We observed that a member of PRC2 called Fertilization-Independent Endosperm1 (OsFIE1) was sensitive to temperature changes, and its expression was negatively correlated with the duration of the syncytial stage during heat stress. Seeds from plants overexpressing OsFIE1 had reduced seed size and exhibited precocious cellularization. The DNA methylation status and a repressive histone modification of OsFIE1 were observed to be temperature sensitive. Our data suggested that the thermal sensitivity of seed enlargement could partly be caused by altered epigenetic regulation of endosperm development during the transition from the syncytial to the cellularized state.
机译:尽管热胁迫降低了水稻(Oryza sativa)的种子大小,但对观察到的种子大小和产量减少的分子机制了解甚少。为了阐明热敏感性和减小种子大小的机理基础,我们在后受精阶段对发育中的水稻种子进行了中等温度(34°C)和高温(42°C)的热胁迫处理。两种胁迫处理均减小了最终种子的大小。在细胞水平上,适度的热胁迫导致早熟的胚乳细胞化,而严重的热胁迫种子无法细胞化。胚乳细胞化的启动是正常种子发育所需的关键发育过渡,并且受拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中的Polycomb Repressive Complex2(PRC2)控制。我们观察到,PRC2的一个成员称为受精非依赖性胚乳1(OsFIE1)对温度变化敏感,并且其表达与热应激期间合胞期的持续时间呈负相关。来自过表达OsFIE1的植物的种子具有减小的种子大小并表现出早熟的细胞化作用。观察到DNA甲基化状态和OsFIE1的抑制性组蛋白修饰对温度敏感。我们的数据表明,种子增长的热敏感性可能部分是由于从合胞体状态到细胞化状态的过渡过程中胚乳发育的表观遗传调控改变所致。



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