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Auxin and Cytokinin Have Opposite Effects on Amyloplast Development and the Expression of Starch Synthesis Genes in Cultured Bright Yellow-2 Tobacco Cells




In cultured Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells, the depletion of auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) in the culture medium induces the accumulation of starch. This is accelerated by the addition of cytokinin (benzyladenine). Light and electron microscopic observations revealed that this amyloplast formation involves drastic changes in plastid morphology. The effects of auxin and cytokinin on amyloplast development were investigated by adding auxin or cytokinin to cells grown in a hormone-free culture. Auxin repressed amyloplast development, whereas cytokinin accelerated starch accumulation regardless of the timing of hormone addition. RNA gel-blot analysis revealed that the accumulation of the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit gene (AgpS), granule-bound starch synthase, and starch branching enzyme transcripts were also affected by hormonal conditions. High levels of AgpS, granule-bound starch synthase, and starch branching enzyme transcripts accumulated in amyloplast-developing cells grown in auxin-depleted conditions. Furthermore, the addition of auxin to the cells cultured in hormone-free medium reduced the level of AgpS transcripts, whereas the addition of cytokinin increased it, irrespective of the timing of hormone addition. These results suggest that auxin and cytokinin exert opposite effects on amyloplast development by regulating the expression of the genes required for starch biosynthesis.
机译:在培养的亮黄色2(BY-2)烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)细胞中,培养基中生长素(2,4-二氯苯氧基乙酸)的耗尽导致淀粉的积累。通过添加细胞分裂素(苄基腺嘌呤)可以加速这一过程。光和电子显微镜观察表明,这种淀粉质体形成涉及质体形态的急剧变化。通过将生长素或细胞分裂素添加到无激素培养物中生长的细胞中,研究了生长素和细胞分裂素对淀粉体发育的影响。生长素抑制淀粉状体的发育,而细胞分裂素可加速淀粉积累,而与激素添加时间无关。 RNA凝胶印迹分析表明,激素条件还影响ADP-葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶小亚基基因(AgpS),颗粒结合淀粉合酶和淀粉分支酶转录物的积累。高水平的AgpS,颗粒结合的淀粉合酶和淀粉分支酶转录物生长在生长素缺乏的条件下生长的淀粉体发育细胞中。此外,向无激素培养基中培养的细胞中添加生长素会降低AgpS转录本的水平,而细胞分裂素的添加会增加其水平,而与激素添加的时间无关。这些结果表明,生长素和细胞分裂素通过调节淀粉生物合成所需基因的表达,对淀粉样蛋白的发育产生相反的作用。



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