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Knowledge attitude and practice with respect to soil contamination by Soil-Transmitted Helminths in Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria




Ancylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura, the four major Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) and also Strongyloides stercoralis infect humans worldwide. Most studies on Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) carried out in Ibadan were faecal examination based while relatively few soil examination based studies were carried out mostly around school premises using limited number of sampling locations. This study was therefore designed to assess the level of soil contamination with STH and associated risk factors in the eleven local government areas of Ibadan. A total of 1980 soil samples were purposively collected monthly, between January and December 2017, from toilet areas, refuse dump sites, house vicinities, playgrounds, roadsides/walk ways, and examined for the presence of parasite eggs or larvae using automated analysis of light microscopy images by computer. Well-structured questionnaires were administered to 620 consenting participants to obtain information on the Knowledge of STH infections, Attitudes and Practices towards the infections. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21, Chi-square and ANOVA were used in the analysis at p < 0.05. Out of soil samples examined, 1087 (54.9%) had at least one species of parasite. The prevalence of hookworm was 74.5% followed by 50.2% and 37.2% for Strongyloides species larvae and adult respectively, and 25.1% for Ascaris species. The highest prevalence was observed in the refuse dump (74.2%) followed by toilet area (36.5%) while the lowest was at house vicinities (1.6%). Fifty-seven percent of the respondents use pit latrine while 20.6% still practice open defecation. A high transmission risk was observed as large percentage (66.8%) of the respondents showed inadequate knowledge of how to avoid STH infections. Moreover, 64.0% and 25.2% reported that they often walk barefooted and suck fingers respectively. The high prevalence of parasitic contamination of soil observed in the present study and the high proportion of respondent with inadequate knowledge of how to prevent transmission of STH pose a high risk of re-infections in the study area even after treatment. Therefore there is a need for proper education on parasite transmission in the area.
机译:十二指肠成虫,美洲线虫,A虫和Trichuris trichiura,四种主要的土壤传播蠕虫(STHs)以及固结线虫(Strongyloides stercoralis)感染全世界的人类。在伊巴丹进行的大多数关于土壤传播的蠕虫的研究都是基于粪便检查的,而相对较少的基于土壤检查的研究则主要是在校园内使用有限数量的采样地点进行的。因此,本研究旨在评估伊巴丹11个地方政府地区土壤中STH的污染水平及相关的危险因素。在2017年1月至2017年12月期间,每月有意地从厕所区域,垃圾场,房屋附近,操场,路边/人行道收集1980份土壤样品,并通过自动光分析检查是否存在寄生虫卵或幼虫通过计算机显微图像。对620名同意参加的参与者进行了结构良好的问卷调查,以获取有关STH感染知识,感染态度和做法的信息。数据使用SPSS 21版进行分析,卡方检验和方差分析用于p <0.05。在所检查的土壤样品中,有1087个(54.9%)具有至少一种寄生虫。钩虫的患病率为74.5%,其次是圆线虫种幼虫和成虫,分别为50.2%和37.2%,A虫种为25.1%。垃圾堆中的患病率最高(74.2%),其次是洗手间(36.5%),而房屋附近的患病率最低(1.6%)。 57%的受访者使用坑厕,而20.6%的人仍在露天排便。观察到高传播风险,因为很大比例的受访者(66.8%)对如何避免STH感染了解不足。此外,有64.0%和25.2%的人分别经常赤脚走路和吮吸手指。在本研究中观察到的土壤中寄生虫感染的高流行以及对如何预防STH传播了解不足的应答者中,即使在治疗后,也有很高的再次感染风险。因此,需要对该地区的寄生虫传播进行适当的教育。



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