
Jacobsen syndrome




Jacobsen syndrome is a MCA/MR contiguous gene syndrome caused by partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 11. To date, over 200 cases have been reported. The prevalence has been estimated at 1/100,000 births, with a female/male ratio 2:1. The most common clinical features include pre- and postnatal physical growth retardation, psychomotor retardation, and characteristic facial dysmorphism (skull deformities, hypertelorism, ptosis, coloboma, downslanting palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, broad nasal bridge, short nose, v-shaped mouth, small ears, low set posteriorly rotated ears). Abnormal platelet function, thrombocytopenia or pancytopenia are usually present at birth. Patients commonly have malformations of the heart, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, genitalia, central nervous system and skeleton. Ocular, hearing, immunological and hormonal problems may be also present. The deletion size ranges from ~7 to 20 Mb, with the proximal breakpoint within or telomeric to subband 11q23.3 and the deletion extending usually to the telomere. The deletion is de novo in 85% of reported cases, and in 15% of cases it results from an unbalanced segregation of a familial balanced translocation or from other chromosome rearrangements. In a minority of cases the breakpoint is at the FRA11B fragile site. Diagnosis is based on clinical findings (intellectual deficit, facial dysmorphic features and thrombocytopenia) and confirmed by cytogenetics analysis. Differential diagnoses include Turner and Noonan syndromes, and acquired thrombocytopenia due to sepsis. Prenatal diagnosis of 11q deletion is possible by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling and cytogenetic analysis. Management is multi-disciplinary and requires evaluation by general pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist. Auditory tests, blood tests, endocrine and immunological assessment and follow-up should be offered to all patients. Cardiac malformations can be very severe and require heart surgery in the neonatal period. Newborns with Jacobsen syndrome may have difficulties in feeding and tube feeding may be necessary. Special attention should be devoted due to hematological problems. About 20% of children die during the first two years of life, most commonly related to complications from congenital heart disease, and less commonly from bleeding. For patients who survive the neonatal period and infancy, the life expectancy remains unknown.
机译:雅各布森综合症是由11号染色体长臂部分缺失引起的MCA / MR连续基因综合症。迄今为止,已报道了200多例。据估计患病率为1 / 100,000例,男女比例为2:1。最常见的临床特征包括产前和产后身体发育迟缓,精神运动迟缓以及特征性的面部畸形(颅骨畸形,肢端亢进,上睑下垂,结肠炎,下斜睑裂,上epi褶,鼻梁宽,鼻短,V型嘴,小耳朵,低位向后旋转耳朵)。出生时通常会出现血小板功能异常,血小板减少或全血细胞减少。患者通常患有心脏,肾脏,胃肠道,生殖器,中枢神经系统和骨骼畸形。眼,听觉,免疫和激素问题也可能出现。缺失大小范围为〜7至20 Mb,近端断点在11q23.3子带内或端粒内,并且缺失通常延伸至端粒。在85%的报告病例中是从头删除,在15%的病例中,它是由于家族平衡易位的不平衡分离或其他染色体重排引起的。在少数情况下,断点位于FRA11B易碎现场。诊断基于临床发现(智力缺陷,面部畸形特征和血小板减少症),并通过细胞遗传学分析确认。鉴别诊断包括特纳和诺南综合征,以及败血症导致的获得性血小板减少症。可以通过羊膜穿刺术或绒毛膜绒毛取样和细胞遗传学分析对产前诊断11q缺失进行诊断。管理是多学科的,需要由普通儿科医生,儿科心脏病专家,神经科医生,眼科医生进行评估。应向所有患者提供听觉检查,血液检查,内分泌和免疫学评估以及随访。心脏畸形可能非常严重,在新生儿期需要心脏手术。患有雅可布森综合症的新生儿可能难以喂养,可能需要管饲。由于血液学问题,应特别注意。大约20%的儿童在出生后的头两年死亡,最常与先天性心脏病并发症相关,而较少因出血而死亡。对于存活于新生儿期和婴儿期的患者,预期寿命仍然未知。



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