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Grounding after moderate eccentric contractions reduces muscle damage




Grounding a human to the earth has resulted in changes in the physiology of the body. A pilot study on grounding and eccentric contractions demonstrated shortened duration of pain, reduced creatine kinase (CK), and differences in blood parameters. This follow-up study was conducted to investigate the effects of grounding after moderate eccentric contractions on pain, CK, and complete blood counts. Thirty-two healthy young men were randomly divided into grounded (n=16) and sham-grounded (n=16) groups. On days 1 through 4, visual analog scale for pain evaluations and blood draws were accomplished. On day 1, the participants performed eccentric contractions of 200 half-knee bends. They were then grounded or sham-grounded to the earth for 4 hours on days 1 and 2. Both groups experienced pain on all posttest days. On day 2, the sham-grounded group experienced significant CK increase (P<0.01) while the CK of the grounded group did not increase significantly; the between-group difference was significant (P=0.04). There was also an increase in the neutrophils of the grounded group on day 3 (P=0.05) compared to the sham-grounded group. There was a significant increase in platelets in the grounded group on days 2 through 4. Grounding produced changes in CK and complete blood counts that were not shared by the sham-grounded group. Grounding significantly reduced the loss of CK from the injured muscles indicating reduced muscle damage. These results warrant further study on the effects of earthing on delayed onset muscle damage.
机译:使人与地球接触已导致人体生理变化。一项针对接地收缩和离心收缩的初步研究表明,疼痛持续时间缩短,肌酸激酶(CK)降低以及血液参数差异。进行该随访研究以调查中度偏心收缩后接地对疼痛,CK和全血细胞计数的影响。三十二名健康的年轻人被随机分为接地组(n = 16)和假接地组(n = 16)。在第1至4天,完成了用于疼痛评估和抽血的视觉模拟量表。在第1天,参与者进行了200次半膝弯曲的偏心收缩。然后在第1天和第2天将它们接地或假接地4小时。两组在所有测试后的日子里都感到疼痛。在第2天,假接地组的CK明显增加(P <0.01),而接地组的CK没有明显增加。组间差异显着(P = 0.04)。与假接地组相比,接地组的中性粒细胞在第3天也有所增加(P = 0.05)。在第2天到第4天,接地组的血小板显着增加。接地引起CK的变化和全血细胞计数,假接地组没有。接地显着减少了受伤肌肉的CK丢失,表明肌肉损伤减少了。这些结果值得进一步研究接地对延迟发作的肌肉损伤的影响。



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