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Positive selection drives the evolution of endocrine regulatory bone morphogenetic protein system in mammals




The rapid evolution of reproductive proteins might be driven by positive Darwinian selection. The bone morphogenetic protein family is the largest within the transforming growth factor (TGF) superfamily. A little have been known about the molecular evolution of bone morphogenetic proteins exhibiting potential role in mammalian reproduction. In this study we investigated mammalian bone morphogenetic proteins using maximum likelihood approaches of codon substitutions to identify positive Darwinian selection in various species. The proportion of positively selected sites was tested by different likelihood models for individual codon, and M8 were found to be the best model. The percentage of positively elected sites under M8 are 2.20% with ω = 1.089 for BMP2, 1.6% with ω = 1.61 for BMP 4 0.53% for BMP15 with ω = 1.56 and 0.78% for GDF9 with ω = 1.93. The percentage of estimated selection sites under M8 is strong statistical confirmation that divergence of bone morphogenetic proteins is driven by Darwinian selection. For the proteins, model M8 was found significant for all proteins with ω > 1. To further test positive selection on particular amino acids, the evolutionary conservation of amino acid were measured based on phylogenetic linkage among sequences. For exploring the impact of these somatic substitution mutations in the selection region on human cancer, we identified one pathogenic mutation in human BMP4 and one in BMP15, possibly causing prostate cancer and six neutral mutations in BMPs. The comprehensive map of selection results allows the researchers to perform systematic approaches to detect the evolutionary footprints of selection on specific gene in specific species.
机译:积极的达尔文选择可能驱动生殖蛋白的快速进化。骨形态发生蛋白家族是转化生长因子(TGF)超家族中最大的家族。关于在哺乳动物繁殖中显示潜在作用的骨形态发生蛋白的分子进化知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们使用密码子替代的最大似然方法研究了哺乳动物骨形态发生蛋白,以鉴定各种物种中的阳性达尔文选择。通过不同的可能性模型对单个密码子测试阳性选择位点的比例,发现M8是最佳模型。在M8下,BMP2的正选位的百分比为2.20%,其中ω= 1.089,对于BMP 2为1.6%,对于ω= 1.61,对于BMP15为0.53%,其中ω= 1.56,对于GDF9为0.78%,而ω= 1.93。 M8下估计选择位点的百分比有力的统计证实,骨形态发生蛋白的差异是由达尔文选择驱动的。对于蛋白质,发现M8模型对所有ω> 1的蛋白质均具有重要意义。为进一步测试特定氨基酸的阳性选择,基于序列之间的系统发育联系,测定了氨基酸的进化保守性。为了探索选择区中的这些体细胞取代突变对人类癌症的影响,我们确定了人类BMP4中的一种致病突变和BMP15中的一种致病突变,可能导致前列腺癌和BMP中的六个中性突变。全面的选择结果图谱使研究人员能够执行系统的方法,以检测特定物种中特定基因的选择进化足迹。



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