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MDM2 turnover and expression of ATRX determine the choice between quiescence and senescence in response to CDK4 inhibition




CDK4 inhibitors (CDK4i) earned Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the FDA last year and are entering phase III clinical trials in several cancers. However, not all tumors respond favorably to these drugs. CDK4 activity is critical for progression through G1 phase and into the mitotic cell cycle. Inhibiting this kinase induces Rb-positive cells to exit the cell cycle into either a quiescent or senescent state. In this report, using well-differentiated and dedifferentiated liposarcoma (WD/DDLS) cell lines, we show that the proteolytic turnover of MDM2 is required for CDK4i-induced senescence. Failure to reduce MDM2 does not prevent CDK4i-induced withdrawal from the cell cycle but the cells remain in a reversible quiescent state. Reducing MDM2 in these cells drives them into the more stable senescent state. CDK4i-induced senescence associated with loss of MDM2 is also observed in some breast cancer, lung cancer and glioma cell lines indicating that this is not limited to WD/DDLS cells in which MDM2 is overexpressed or in cells that contain wild type p53. MDM2 turnover depends on its E3 ligase activity and expression of ATRX. Interestingly, in seven patients the changes in MDM2 expression were correlated with outcome. These insights identify MDM2 and ATRX as new regulators controlling geroconversion, the process by which quiescent cells become senescent, and this insight may be exploited to improve the activity of CDK4i in cancer therapy.
机译:CDK4抑制剂(CDK4i)去年获得了FDA的突破疗法称号,目前正进入几种癌症的III期临床试验。但是,并非所有肿瘤都对这些药物产生有利的反应。 CDK4活性对于通过G1期进入有丝分裂细胞周期至关重要。抑制该激酶可诱导Rb阳性细胞退出细胞周期进入静止或衰老状态。在此报告中,我们使用分化良好的和去分化的脂肪肉瘤(WD / DDLS)细胞系,表明CDK4i诱导衰老需要MDM2的蛋白水解转换。无法降低MDM2不能阻止CDK4i诱导的细胞周期退出,但细胞仍处于可逆的静止状态。减少这些细胞中的MDM2使其进入更稳定的衰老状态。在某些乳腺癌,肺癌和神经胶质瘤细胞系中也观察到了CDK4i诱导的与MDM2丢失相关的衰老,这表明这不仅限于其中MDM2过表达的WD / DDLS细胞或含有野生型p53的细胞。 MDM2周转取决于其E3连接酶活性和ATRX的表达。有趣的是,在七名患者中,MDM2表达的变化与预后相关。这些见解将MDM2和ATRX识别为控制转角的新调节剂,它是静止细胞衰老的过程,并且可以利用这一见解改善CDK4i在癌症治疗中的活性。



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