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Non-Milk Extrinsic Sugars Intake and Food and Nutrient Consumption Patterns among Adolescents in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey Years 2008–16

机译:英国 2008-16年全国饮食和营养调查中青少年的非牛奶外源糖摄入量以及食物和营养物质的消费方式



The revised guidelines from the Department of Health (DoH) in the UK state that mean population intakes of free sugars should be below 5% of the total energy (TE) consumption of the British population. However, very few studies have assessed the impact of this recommendation on diet quality in the UK. We explored the dietary patterns and intakes of micronutrients of British adolescents with low intakes of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) (similar to free sugars but not equal, with slight differences in the categorisation of fruit sugars from dried, stewed or canned fruit and smoothies), using the National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme, years 1–8 (NDNS RP). The sample included 2587 adolescents aged 11–18 years. Four percent (112) of adolescents reported consuming 5% or lower NMES as a proportion of TE. The odds of being categorised as a low-sugar consumer in adolescents (≤5% TE from NMES) were significantly lower with higher intakes of sweetened drinks, fruit juice, cakes, biscuits, sugar and sweet spreads, chocolate confectionery and sugar confectionery, and significantly higher with higher intakes of pasta and rice, wholemeal and brown bread, and fish. Across the five categories of NMES intakes, micronutrient intakes were lowest for those consuming either ≤5% TE or more than 20% TE from NMES, and optimal for those consuming between 10–15% of energy from NMES. These findings confirm the difficulties of meeting the free sugars recommended intake for adolescents. Care needs to be taken to ensure that an adequate consumption of micronutrients is achieved in those adhering to the revised guidelines on free sugars.
机译:英国卫生部(DoH)修改后的指南指出,人们摄入的游离糖含量应低于英国人口总能量(TE)消耗量的5%。但是,很少有研究评估该建议对英国饮食质量的影响。我们探讨了低摄入非牛奶外在糖(NMES)的英国青少年的饮食模式和微量营养素的摄入(类似于游离糖,但不相等,在干燥,炖煮或罐装的水果中糖分的分类略有不同,冰沙),使用国家饮食和营养调查滚动计划1-8年级(NDNS RP)。样本包括2587名11至18岁的青少年。四分之二(112)的青少年报告说,他们的NMES摄入量占TE的比例为5%或更低。被归类为青少年低糖消费者(来自NMES的TE≤5%)的几率显着降低,原因是甜味饮料,果汁,蛋糕,饼干,糖和甜酱,巧克力糖果和糖糖果的摄入量较高,并且面食和大米,全麦和黑面包以及鱼的摄入量显着增加。在五类NMES摄入量中,微量营养素摄入量是那些从NMES摄入≤5%TE或超过20%TE的摄入量最低的,而从NMES摄入的能量在10%至15%之间的摄入量则是最佳的。这些发现证实了满足青少年推荐的游离糖摄入量的困难。需要注意确保遵循游离糖修订准则的人群摄入足够的微量营养素。



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