首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Virology >Localization of Membrane-Associated Proteins in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus by Use of Hydrophobic Membrane Probes and Cross-Linking Reagents

Localization of Membrane-Associated Proteins in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus by Use of Hydrophobic Membrane Probes and Cross-Linking Reagents




The location of membrane-associated proteins of vesicular stomatitis virus was investigated by using two monofunctional and three bifunctional probes that differ in the degree to which they partition into membranes and in their specific group reactivity. Two hydrophobic aryl azide probes, [125I]5-iodonaphthyl-1-azide and [3H]pyrenesulfonylazide, readily partitioned into virion membrane and, when activated to nitrenes by UV irradiation, formed stable covalent adducts to membrane constituents. Both of these monofunctional probes labeled the glyco-protein G and matrix M proteins, but [125I]5-iodonaphthyl-1-azide also labeled the nucleocapsid N protein and an unidentified low-molecular-weight component. Protein labeling of intact virions was unaffected by the presence of cytochrome c or glutathione, but disruption of membrane by sodium dodecyl sulfate greatly enhanced the labeling of all viral proteins except G. Labeling of G protein was essentially restricted to the membrane-embedded, thermolysin-resistant tail fragment. Three bifunctional reagents, tartryl diazide, dimethylsuberimidate, and 4,4′-dithiobisphenylazide, were tested for their capacity to cross-link proteins to membrane phospholipids of virions grown in the presence of [3H]palmitate. Only G and M proteins of intact virions were labeled with 3H-phospholipid by these cross-linkers; the reactions were not affected by cytochrome c but were abolished by disruption of virus with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Dimethylsuberimidate, which reacts with free amino groups, cross-linked 3H-phospholipid to both G and M protein. In contrast, the hydrophilic tartryl diazide cross-linked phospholipid primarily to the M protein, whereas the hydrophobic 4,4′-dithiobisphenylazide cross-linked phospholipid primarily to the intrinsic G protein. These data support the hypothesis that the G protein traverses the virion membrane and that the M protein is membrane associated but does not penetrate very deeply, if at all.
机译:通过使用两种单功能和三种双功能探针来研究水泡性口炎病毒的膜相关蛋白的位置,这两种探针在膜中的分布程度和特定基团反应性不同。两种疏水性芳基叠氮化物探针,[ 125 I] 5-碘萘基-1-叠氮化物和[ 3 H]吡咯烷磺酰基叠氮化物,易于分配到病毒体膜中,并在被紫外线照射,形成了稳定的膜成分共价加合物。这两种单功能探针都标记了糖蛋白G和基质M蛋白,但是[ 125 I] 5-碘萘基-1-叠氮化物也标记了核衣壳N蛋白和一个未知的低分子量成分。完整病毒粒子的蛋白质标记不受细胞色素c或谷胱甘肽的存在的影响,但是十二烷基硫酸钠对膜的破坏极大地增强了除G以外的所有病毒蛋白的标记。G蛋白的标记基本上仅限于膜包埋的嗜热菌素-抗性尾巴片段。测试了三种双功能试剂tartryl二叠氮化物,亚甲基次亚氨酸二甲酯和4,4'-二硫代双苯叠氮化物将蛋白质与在[ 3 H]棕榈酸酯存在下生长的病毒粒子的膜磷脂交联的能力。这些交联剂仅将完整病毒体的G和M蛋白标记为 3 H-磷脂;该反应不受细胞色素c的影响,但被十二烷基硫酸钠破坏病毒而废除了。与游离氨基反应的亚甲基二亚甲基亚磺酸盐将 3 H-磷脂交联到G和M蛋白上。相反,亲水的酒石酸二叠氮化物主要使磷脂交联至M蛋白,而疏水的4,4'-二硫代二苯基叠氮化物的交联磷脂主要与内在G蛋白交联。这些数据支持以下假设:G蛋白横穿病毒粒子膜,而M蛋白与膜相关,但不会穿透得很深(如果有的话)。



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