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Peering at the Tip of the Nose as a Sign of Thalamic Haemorrhage




A 76-year-old female presented with sudden onset of left hemiplegia and hemianaesthesia. Examination revealed tonic downward deviation of both eyes and esodeviation of the left eye, with no upgaze beyond midline and mild abduction deficits bilaterally. Bilateral ptosis was seen, reflecting partial levator dehiscence compounded by pseudoptosis due to the depressed position of the eyes. “Peering at the tip of the nose” sign, reflecting acute downward and esodeviation of the eyes, is highly suggestive of thalamic haemorrhage. It is thought to reflect damage to the mesodiencephalic junction, which contains structures important for vertical gaze and vergence. Awareness of this sign may assist clinicians with the correct anatomical localisation of stroke in patients who present with thalamic haemorrhage.
机译:一名76岁的女性出现左半身瘫痪和呼吸麻痹的突然发作。检查显示双眼补剂向下偏斜,左眼食管弯曲,中线以上无凝视,双侧轻度外展缺损。观察到双侧上睑下垂,反映出由于眼睛位置低下,部分上睑裂开和假性上睑下垂加重了。 “鼻尖张开”的迹象反映了眼球的急剧向下和内眼的食管内凹,强烈提示丘脑出血。据认为,这反映了对中脑脑连接部的损害,该脑中部脑连接部具有对于垂直注视和发散很重要的结构。意识到这种体征可以帮助临床医生对出现丘脑出血的患者进行正确的中风解剖定位。



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