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The Mycobiota of Air Inside and Outside the Meju Fermentation Room and the Origin of Meju Fungi




The fungi on Meju are known to play an important role as degrader of macromolecule of soybeans. In order to elucidate the origin of fungi on traditional Meju, mycobiota of the air both inside and outside traditional Meju fermentation rooms was examined. From 11 samples of air collected from inside and outside of 7 Meju fermentation rooms, 37 genera and 90 species of fungi were identified. In outside air of the fermentation room, Cladosporium sp. and Cladosporium cladosporioides were the dominant species, followed by Cladosporium tenuissimum, Eurotium sp., Phoma sp., Sistotrema brinkmannii, Alternaria sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, Schizophyllum commune, and Penicillium glabrum. In inside air of the fermentation room, Cladosporium sp., Aspergillus oryzae, Penicillium chrysogenum, Asp. nidulans, Aspergillus sp., Cla. cladosporioides, Eurotium sp., Penicillium sp., Cla. tenuissimum, Asp. niger, Eur. herbariorum, Asp. sydowii, and Eur. repens were collected with high frequency. The concentrations of the genera Aspergillus, Eurotium, and Penicillium were significantly higher in inside air than outside air. From this result and those of previous reports, the origin of fungi present on Meju was inferred. Of the dominant fungal species present on Meju, Lichtheimia ramosa, Mucor circinelloides, Mucor racemosus, and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis are thought to be originated from outside air, because these species are not or are rarely isolated from rice straw and soybean; however, they were detected outside air of fermentation room and are species commonly found in indoor environments. However, Asp. oryzae, Pen. polonicum, Eur. repens, Pen. solitum, and Eur. chevalieri, which are frequently found on Meju, are common in rice straw and could be transferred from rice straw to Meju. The fungi grow and produce abundant spores during Meju fermentation, and after the spores accumulate in the air of fermentation room, they could influence mycobiota of Meju fermentation in the following year. This could explain why concentrations of the genera Aspergillus, Eurotium, and Penicillium are much higher inside than outside of the fermentation rooms.
机译:已知Meju上的真菌起着大豆大分子降解剂的作用。为了阐明真菌在传统梅州的起源,研究了传统梅州发酵室内外的空气中的真菌菌群。从7个Meju发酵室内外收集的11个空气样本中,鉴定出37个属和90种真菌。在发酵室的室外空气中,Cladosporium sp。克雷氏梭菌,克拉多孢菌,Euro(Et。sp。),Phoma菌,Sistotrema brinkmannii,链格孢属(Alternaria sp。),烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus),裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)和青霉(Penicillium glabrum)占主导地位。在发酵室内,Cladosporium sp。,米曲霉, Penicillium chrysogenum Asp。 nidulans 曲霉 sp。, Cla。 cladosporioides Euro sp。, Penicillium sp。, Cla。 tenuissimum Asp。尼日尔欧元。 Herbariorum Asp。 sydowii Eur。笔迹收集频率很高。室内空气中曲霉菌,em和青霉属的浓度显着高于室外空气。从该结果和以前的报告中,可以推断出 Meju 上存在的真菌的起源。在 Meju Lichtheimia ramosa Circucelloelloides Racemosmosus 上存在的优势真菌物种中人们认为短剑猴起源于外界空气,因为这些物种不是或很少从稻草和大豆中分离出来的。但是,它们是在发酵室的室外空气中检测到的,并且是室内环境中常见的物种。但是, Asp。稻米笔。 polonicum 欧元。 repens 笔。 solitum Eur。 chevalieri (常见于 Meju )在稻草中很常见,可以从稻草转移到 Meju 。真菌在 Meju 发酵过程中生长并产生丰富的孢子,这些孢子在发酵室内空气中积累后,可在第二年影响 Meju 发酵的菌群。这可以解释为什么发酵室内的曲霉菌,em和青霉菌属的浓度比发酵室内的浓度高得多。



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