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Bioactive Compounds from Mexican Varieties of the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): Implications for Health




As Mexico is located within Mesoamerica, it is considered the site where the bean plant originated and where it was domesticated. Beans have been an integral part of the Mexican diet for thousands of years. Within the country, there are a number of genotypes possessing highly diverse physical and chemical properties. This review describes the major bioactive compounds contained on the Mexican varieties of the common bean. A brief analysis is carried out regarding the benefits they have on health. The effect of seed coat color on the nutraceutical compounds content is distinguished, where black bean stands out because it is high content of anthocyanins, polyphenols and flavonoids such as quercetin. This confers black bean with an elevated antioxidant capacity. The most prominent genotypes within this group are the “Negro San Luis”, “Negro 8025” and “Negro Jamapa” varieties. Conversely, the analyzed evidence shows that more studies are needed in order to expand our knowledge on the nutraceutical quality of the Mexican bean genotypes, either grown or wild-type, as well as their impact on health in order to be used in genetic improvement programs or as a strategy to encourage their consumption. The latter is based on the high potential it has for health preservation and disease prevention.
机译:由于墨西哥位于中美洲,因此被认为是豆类植物起源和驯化的地方。数千年来,豆子一直是墨西哥饮食中不可或缺的一部分。在该国内部,有许多具有高度不同的物理和化学特性的基因型。这篇评论描述了墨西哥菜豆品种中所含的主要生物活性化合物。对它们对健康的益处进行了简要分析。种皮颜色对营养品化合物含量的影响非常明显,其中黑豆因花青素,多酚和类黄酮(例如槲皮素)的含量高而脱颖而出。这赋予黑豆更高的抗氧化能力。该组中最突出的基因型是“ Negro San Luis”,“ Negro 8025”和“ Negro Jamapa”变种。相反,经分析的证据表明,需要进行更多的研究才能扩展我们对墨西哥豆基因型(无论是生长型还是野生型)的营养保健品质及其对健康的影响的知识,以便用于基因改良计划或作为鼓励其消费的策略。后者基于其在保存健康和预防疾病方面的巨大潜力。



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