首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Korean Journal of Neurotrauma >Proper Management of Posttraumatic Tension Pneumocephalus

Proper Management of Posttraumatic Tension Pneumocephalus




Pneumocephalus is commonly seen after craniofacial injury. The pathogenesis of pneumocephalus has been debated as to whether it was caused by ball valve effect or combined episodic increased pressure within the nasopharynx on coughing. Discontinuous exchange of air and cerebrospinal fluid due to “inverted bottle” effect is assumed to be the cause of it. Delayed tension pneumocephalus is not common, but it requires an active management in order to prevent serious complication. We represent a clinical case of a 57-year-old male patient who fell down from 3 m height, complicated by tension pneumocephalus on 5 months after trauma. We recommend a surgical intervention, but the patient did not want that so we observe the patient. The patient was underwent seizure and meningitis after 7 months after trauma, he came on emergency room on stupor mentality. Tension pneumocephalus may result in a neurologic disturbance due to continued air entrainment and it significantly the likelihood of intracranial infection caused by continued open channel. Tension pneumocephalus threat a life, so need a neurosurgical emergency surgical intervention.
机译:颅面部损伤后常见肺气肿。肺气肿的发病机制已经被争论过,到底是由球阀效应引起的还是由咳嗽引起的鼻咽内压力的联合发作引起的。可能是由于“倒瓶”效应导致空气和脑脊液的不连续交换。延迟性肺气肿并不常见,但需要积极管理以防止严重并发症。我们代表一例57岁的男性患者的临床病例,该患者从3 m高处跌落,并在创伤后5个月并发了张力性肺气肿。我们建议进行手术干预,但患者不希望这样做,因此我们对患者进行了观察。创伤后7个月,患者经历了癫痫发作和脑膜炎,他因昏昏欲睡而进入急诊室。持续性的空气夹带可能会导致张力性肺气肿,从而导致神经系统紊乱,并且由于持续的开放通道而引起颅内感染的可能性显着增加。紧张性肺气肿威胁生命,因此需要神经外科紧急手术干预。



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