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Comparing Single and Dual Console Systems in the Robotic Surgical Training of Graduating OB/GYN Residents in the United States

机译:在美国即将毕业的OB / GYN居民的机器人外科手术训练中比较单控制台和双控制台系统



Objective. To assess the impact of a single versus dual console robotic system on the perceptions of program directors (PD) and residents (RES) towards robotic surgical training among graduating obstetrics and gynecology residents. Design. An anonymous survey was developed using Qualtrics, a web-based survey development and administration system, and sent to obstetrics and gynecology program directors and graduating residents. Participants. 39 program directors and 32 graduating residents (PGY4). Results. According to residents perception, dual console is utilized in about 70% of the respondents' programs. Dual console system programs were more likely to provide a robotics training certificate compared to single console programs (43.5% versus 0%, p = 0.03). A greater proportion of residents graduating from a dual console program perform more than 20 robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomies, 30% versus 0% (p = 0.15). Conclusions. Utilization of dual console system increased the likelihood of obtaining robotic training certification without significantly increasing the case volume of robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy.
机译:目的。评估单控制台或双控制台机器人系统对计划主任(PD)和居民(RES)在即将毕业的妇产科住院医师中进行机器人外科培训的看法的影响。设计。使用基于网络的调查开发和管理系统Qualtrics开发了一项匿名调查,并将其发送给妇产科项目主管和即将毕业的居民。参加者39名计划主管和32名即将毕业的居民(PGY4)。结果。根据居民的看法,约有70%的受访者使用了双控制台。与单控制台程序相比,双控制台系统程序更有可能提供机器人培训证书(43.5%对0%,p = 0.03)。从双控制台程序中毕业的居民中,执行机器人辅助的总腹腔镜子宫切除术的比例更高,分别为30%和0%(p = 0.15)。结论。双控制台系统的使用增加了获得机器人培训证书的可能性,而不会显着增加机器人辅助全腹腔镜子宫切除术的病例数量。



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