首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Microbes and Environments >Expression of Two RpoH Sigma Factors in Sinorhizobium meliloti upon Heat Shock

Expression of Two RpoH Sigma Factors in Sinorhizobium meliloti upon Heat Shock

机译:热激作用下西瓜根瘤菌中两个RpoH Sigma因子的表达



The plant symbiotic α-proteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti has two RpoH-type sigma factors, RpoH1 and RpoH2. The former induces the synthesis of heat shock proteins and optimizes interactions with the host. Using a Western blot analysis, we examined time course changes in the intracellular contents of these factors upon a temperature upshift. The RpoH1 level was relatively high and constant, suggesting that its regulatory role in the heat shock response is attained through the activation of the pre-existing RpoH1 protein. In contrast, the RpoH2 level was initially undetectable, and gradually increased. These differential patterns reflect the functional diversification of these factors.
机译:植物共生的α-变形杆菌Minorhizobium meliloti具有两个RpoH型σ因子,RpoH1和RpoH2。前者诱导热激蛋白的合成并优化与宿主的相互作用。使用蛋白质印迹分析,我们检查了温度升高后这些因子的细胞内含量随时间变化的情况。 RpoH1水平相对较高且恒定,这表明其在热休克反应中的调节作用是通过激活预先存在的RpoH1蛋白来实现的。相反,RpoH2水平最初是无法检测到的,并逐渐升高。这些差异模式反映了这些因素的功能多样化。



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