首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>MethodsX >A protocol for gene expression analysis of chondrocytes from bovine osteochondral plugs used for biotribological applications

A protocol for gene expression analysis of chondrocytes from bovine osteochondral plugs used for biotribological applications




class="kwd-title">Protocol name: Gene expression of bovine osteochondral plugs class="kwd-title">Keywords: RNA, Biotribology, Osteochondral plugs, Gene expression, Chondrocyte class="head no_bottom_margin" id="abs0010title">AbstractRNA isolation from human or animal cartilage tissue is necessary when performing mechanical or biotribological applications. Despite no influence on the cells and no alterations in gene expression patterns, enzymatic digestion of tissues should be avoided as it’s known that the expression of collagen 2 can be effected (Hayman et al., 2006 ). After mechanical or biotribological tests alternative options with an immediate disruption of the tissue should be contemplated. To obtain RNA, different tissue homogenization and disruption methods are available on the market (Yu et al., 2004 ), but not everyone is suitable for cartilage. Some of them neither homogenize the cartilage, while others are producing a lot of foam during disruption process. After trying some of the currently available methods, we chose the MagNA Lyser Instrument from Roche to disrupt the cartilage and further isolate RNA by using the Fibrous Tissue Kit from Qiagen. After RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis was performed by additionally adding RNA from bacteriophage MS2 for stabilization purposes. For the RTqPCR bovine primers were designed and tested for efficiency to confirm that the whole gene expression analysis is working. Our protocol explains a whole method to perform gene expression analysis from bovine cartilage, but can also be used for human or any other animal tissue.
机译:<!-fig ft0-> <!-fig @ position =“ anchor” mode =文章f4-> <!-fig mode =“ anchred” f5-> <!-fig / graphic | fig / alternatives / graphic mode =“ anchored” m1-> class =“ kwd-title”>协议名称:牛骨软骨栓的基因表达 class =“ kwd-title”>关键字: RNA,生物摩擦学,软骨软骨栓塞,基因表达,软骨细胞 class =“ head no_bottom_margin” id =“ abs0010title”>摘要在进行机械或生物摩擦学应用时,必须从人或动物软骨组织中分离RNA。尽管对细胞没有影响,基因表达模式也没有改变,但是应避免酶消化组织,因为众所周知,胶原2的表达可以实现(Hayman等,2006)。在进行机械或生物摩擦学测试后,应考虑立即破坏组织的其他选择。为了获得RNA,市场上可以买到不同的组织均质化和破坏方法(Yu et al。,2004),但是并不是每个人都适合软骨。其中一些没有使软骨均质,而另一些在破坏过程中产生大量泡沫。在尝试了一些当前可用的方法之后,我们选择了罗氏公司的MagNA Lyser仪器来破坏软骨,并使用Qiagen的纤维组织试剂盒进一步分离RNA。 RNA分离后,为稳定起见,通过另外添加来自噬菌体MS2的RNA进行cDNA合成。对于RTqPCR,设计并测试了牛引物的效率,以确认整个基因表达分析正在起作用。我们的协议说明了从牛软骨进行基因表达分析的完整方法,但也可以用于人类或任何其他动物组织。



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