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Yellow fever outbreak in Brazil: the puzzle of rapid viral spread and challenges for immunisation




We discuss the complex eco-social factors involved in the puzzle of the unexpected rapid viral spread in the ongoing Brazilian yellow fever (YF) outbreak, which has increased the reurbanisation risk of a disease without urban cases in Brazil since 1942. Indeed, this rapid spatial viral dissemination to the Southeast and South regions, now circulating in the Atlantic Forest fragments close to peri-urban areas of the main Brazilian megalopolises (São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) has led to an exponential increase in the number of yellow fever cases. In less than 18 months, 1,833 confirmed cases and 578 deaths were recorded most of them reported in the Southeast region (99,9%). Large epizooties in monkeys and other non-human primates (NHPs) were communicated in the country with 732 YF virus (YFV) laboratory confirmed events only in the 2017/2018 monitoring period. We also discuss the peculiarities and similarities of the current outbreak when compared with previous great epidemics, examining several hypotheses to explain the recent unexpected acceleration of epizootic waves in the sylvatic cycle of the YFV together with the role of human, NHPs and mosquito mobility with respect to viral spread. We conclude that the most feasible hypothesis to explain this rapidity would be related to human behavior combined with ecological changes that promoted a significant increase in mosquito and NHP densities and their contacts with humans. We emphasize the urgent need for an adequate response to this outbreak such as extending immunisation coverage to the whole Brazilian population and developing novel strategies for immunisation of NHPs confined in selected reserve areas and zoos. Finally, we stress the urgent need to improve the quality of response in order to prevent future outbreaks and a catastrophic reurbanisation of the disease in Brazil and other South American countries. Continuous monitoring of YFV receptivity and vulnerability conditions with effective control of the urban vector Aedes aegypti and significant investments in YF vaccine production capacity and research and development for reduction of adverse effects are of the highest priority.
机译:我们讨论了复杂的生态社会因素,这些因素困扰着持续进行的巴西黄热病(YF)爆发中病毒的意外快速传播,这自1942年以来在巴西没有城市病例的情况下增加了疾病再城市化的风险。确实,这种迅速发展空间病毒传播到东南部和南部地区,目前在靠近巴西主要大城市(圣保罗和里约热内卢)近郊地区的大西洋森林碎片中传播,导致黄热病病例数呈指数增长。在不到18个月的时间内,记录到1,833例确诊病例,其中578例死亡,其中大部分报告在东南地区(99.9%)。仅在2017/2018监测期内,该国就用732 YF病毒(YFV)实验室确认的事件通报了猴子和其他非人类灵长类动物(NHPs)的大型动物群落。我们还讨论了与先前的重大流行病相比当前爆发的特殊性和相似性,研究了几种假设来解释流行病在YFV的回旋周期中意外的加速,以及人类,NHP和蚊子活动方面的作用病毒传播。我们得出结论,解释这种快速性的最可行假设将与人类行为以及生态变化相关,该生态变化促使蚊子和NHP密度及其与人的接触显着增加。我们强调迫切需要对这一暴发采取适当的应对措施,例如将免疫接种覆盖面扩大到整个巴西人口,并制定针对特定保护区和动物园的NHP免疫接种的新策略。最后,我们强调迫切需要提高应对的质量,以防止在巴西和其他南美国家爆发这种疾病,并对该疾病进行灾难性的重新城市化。持续监测YFV的可接受性和脆弱性状况,有效控制城市伊蚊,并在YF疫苗生产能力和减少不良影响的研发方面进行大量投资,是当务之急。



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