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Epidemiological Survey and Retrospective Analysis of Salmonella Infections between 2000 and 2017 in Warmia and Masuria Voivodship in Poland




Background and Objectives: Salmonellosis is a major foodborne bacterial infection throughout the world. Epidemiological surveillance is one of the key factors to reduce the number of infections caused by this pathogen in both humans and animals. The first outcome measure was the prevalence of non-typhoid Salmonella (NTS) infections between 2000 and 2017 among the population of the predominantly agricultural and touristic Polish region of Warmia and Masuria (WaM). The second outcome measure was the comparison of the NTS hospitalization rate of all registered NTS cases, an investigation of the monthly reports of infections, and the exploration of the annual minimal and maximal NTS infection number in WaM in the above-mentioned time period. The last outcome was a comparison of the prevalence of NTS infections in the region and in its administrative districts by considering both rural and urban municipalities three years before and three years after the accession of Poland into the European Union (EU) in 2004. Materials and Methods: The total number of infections and hospitalizations in the 19 districts of the WaM voivodship in Poland was registered monthly between 2000–2017 by the Provincial Sanitary-Epidemiological Station in Olsztyn, Poland. Results: Between 2000 and 2017, the number of diagnosed salmonellosis cases decreased significantly in WaM; the decrease was higher in urban districts than in rural ones, and the ratio of hospitalizations and the total number of NTS cases increased significantly across all districts. The lowest number of cases was reported in the winter months and was stable from 2007, whereas the highest number was reported in the summer months with a higher tendency of outbreaks. Conclusion: The falling number of salmonellosis cases in 2000–2017 in WaM reflects the general trend in Poland and Europe. The decrease of NTS infections in WaM is related to the accession of Poland into the EU.
机译:背景与目的:沙门氏菌病是全世界主要的食源性细菌感染。流行病学监测是减少这种病原体在人和动物中引起的感染数量的关键因素之一。第一项结果衡量指标是2000年至2017年间在农业和旅游业占主导地位的波兰Warmia和Masuria(WaM)人群中的非伤寒沙门氏菌(NTS)感染率。第二项结果指标是比较所有登记的NTS病例的NTS住院率,调查感染的每月报告以及探索在上述时间段内WaM中每年最小和最大NTS感染数。最后的结果是通过考虑波兰在2004年加入欧盟(EU)前三年和三年后的农村和城市自治市镇,比较了该地区及其行政区域内NTS感染的患病率。方法:2000年至2017年之间,波兰奥尔什丁省卫生防疫站每月登记波兰WaM省19个地区的感染和住院总数。结果:从2000年到2017年,WaM中诊断出沙门氏菌病病例数显着下降;城市地区的下降幅度高于农村地区,并且住院率和NTS病例总数在所有地区均显着增加。报告的病例数最低,在冬季,从2007年开始保持稳定,而报告的病例数最高,在夏季,暴发趋势较高。结论:WaM中2000–2017年沙门氏菌病病例数的下降反映了波兰和欧洲的总体趋势。 WaM中NTS感染的减少与波兰加入欧盟有关。



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