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Quantitative and qualitative analysis of rat pup ultrasonic vocalization sounds induced by a hypothermic stimulus




Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are essential communicative sounds used between rodent pups and their mother. Rat pups emit USVs in stressful situations, such as when they are cold or separated from the nest. We verified the ontogenetic changes in USVs emitted by infant rats isolated from their mother during the pre-weaning period. The number of calls, and the median frequency and first peak of frequency of the calls were measured at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 14 days postnatal age in Wistar-Imamichi rats. Pups were placed in a cold glass beaker and USVs were recorded for 5 min. The number of calls increased to a peak on day 5 and then gradually decreased. The median frequency of calls decreased slowly during the first 12 days, and then increased slightly on day 14. Similarly, the first peak frequency of calls was the highest on day 1, and then decreased gradually by day 12. A small increase was observed on day 14. These changes in frequency were correlated with the physical development of the pups, whose body weights increased significantly with age except during postnatal days 7-10.
机译:超声波发声(USV)是啮齿动物幼崽与其母亲之间必不可少的交流声音。老鼠幼犬在压力很大的情况下会发出USV,例如当它们冷或与巢分开时。我们验证了在断奶前从母鼠分离的幼鼠发出的USV的个体发育变化。在Wistar-Imamichi大鼠,在出生后的1、3、5、7、10、12和14天测量了通话次数,以及通话的中位数频率和频率的第一个峰值。将幼犬放入冷玻璃烧杯中,记录USV 5分钟。通话数量在第5天上升到峰值,然后逐渐下降。通话的中位数频率在开始的12天中缓慢下降,然后在第14天略有增加。类似地,通话的第一个峰值频率在第1天达到最高,然后在第12天逐渐下降。第14天。这些频率的变化与幼崽的身体发育有关,幼崽的体重随着年龄的增长而显着增加,除了产后7-10天。



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