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Anti-Helicobacter pylori activities of FEMY-R7 composed of fucoidan and evening primrose extract in mice and humans




Helicobacter pylori-eliminating effects of FEMY-R7, composed of fucoidan and evening primrose extract, were investigated in mice and humans. Male C57BL/6 mice were infected with the bacteria by intragastric inoculation (1×109 CFU/mouse) 3 times at 2-day intervals, and simultaneously, orally treated twice a day with 10 or 100 mg/kg FEMY-R7 for 2 weeks. In Campylobcter-like organism-detection test, FEMY-R7 markedly reduced the urease-positive reactivity. In a clinical sudy, human subjects, confirmed to be infected with Helicobacter pylori, were orally administered twice a day with a capsule containing 150 mg FEMY-R7 for 8 weeks. FEMY-R7 significantly decreased both the Delta over baseline-value in urea breath test and the serum pepsinogens I and II levels. The results indicate that FEMY-R7 not only eliminates H. pylori from gastric mucosa of animals and humans, but also improves gastric function.
机译:在小鼠和人类中研究了由岩藻依聚糖和月见草提取物组成的FEMY-R7消除幽门螺杆菌的作用。雄性C57BL / 6小鼠通过胃内接种(1×10 9 CFU /小鼠)每隔2天感染3次,并每天口服两次10或100 mg / kg FEMY-R7,持续2周。在类似Campylobcter的生物检测试验中,FEMY-R7明显降低了脲酶阳性的反应性。在临床研究中,确认已感染幽门螺杆菌的人类受试者每天口服两次,每次胶囊含150 mg FEMY-R7,持续8周。 FEMY-R7显着降低尿素呼气试验中的Delta值超过基线值以及血清胃蛋白酶原I和II水平。结果表明,FEMY-R7不仅可以消除动物和人胃粘膜中的幽门螺杆菌,而且可以改善胃功能。



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