首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Effect of anorectal eversion on long-term clinical outcome of restorative proctocolectomy.

Effect of anorectal eversion on long-term clinical outcome of restorative proctocolectomy.




Eversion of the rectum during restorative proctocolectomy with stapled ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) remains a controversial surgical manoeuvre because of concern that it may impair anal sphincter function and adversely affect outcome. We have reviewed the long-term results in 41 patients whose operation included formation of a 20 cm J-pouch with stapled IPAA by the technique of rectal eversion. At median follow-up of 4 years (range 1-6 years), 4 pouches (10%) had been removed (2 for pelvic sepsis, 1 for rectovaginal fistula and 1 for Crohn's disease). In 34 patients with functioning pouches in situ, median stool frequency was 5 per 24 h (range 2-10). 11 patients (33%) regularly had to evacuate their pouch at night and 4 (12%) used antidiarrhoeal medication. No patients reported major incontinence; 2 (6%) had minor leakage, and in another 2 minor leakage had now ceased. 4 patients had had episodes of pouchitis. These favourable results offer no support for the contention that rectal eversion substantially worsens the long-term results of restorative proctocolectomy.
机译:吻合回肠袋肛门吻合术(IPAA)的恢复性直肠结肠切除术期间直肠外翻仍然是一个有争议的手术手法,因为担心它会损害肛门括约肌功能并不利地影响手术结果。我们回顾了41例患者的长期结果,这些患者的手术包括通过直肠外翻技术形成20厘米J袋和IPAA钉合。在4年的中位随访时间(1-6年)中,取出了4个小袋(10%)(盆腔脓毒症2个,直肠阴道瘘1个,克罗恩病1个)。在34位原位具有功能性眼袋的患者中,大便中位数频率为每24小时5次(范围2-10)。 11例患者(33%)经常必须在晚上排空囊,4例(12%)使用了止泻药。没有患者报告严重失禁; 2(6%)发生了轻微泄漏,另外2处已经停止了轻微泄漏。 4例患者发生了囊炎。这些有利的结果并不能为直肠外翻显着恶化恢复性直肠结肠切除术的长期结果提供支持。



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