
Bilateral Urinary Calculi




Cases in which stones are found on both sides at the same time are alone considered. They form 9·4% of the admissions for stone in the upper urinary tract at St. Peter's Hospital. Figures from Continental clinics vary from 11% to 14%, while those obtained from post-mortem records are nearly 50%.Four groups of cases are considered: (1) Calculi due to a special diathesis, e.g., cystine stones. (2) Aseptic bilateral calculi. (3) Infected bilateral calculi. (4) Cases complicated by anuria.(1) Cystinuria should be treated medically, by diet and alkalis, but stones may form, in spite of treatment. They can be passed easily, and operation is only indicated when impaction occurs.(2) The calculi are comparatively small, and it is rare to find more than one on each side. If the renal function is approximately the same on both sides, simultaneous removal is advisable. When this is impossible, the interval between the two operations should not exceed fourteen days. When the function is unequal, the first operation should be performed on the more damaged kidney.(3) When both sides are infected, the calculi are often very large, and the kidneys severely damaged. Infection is usually the primary factor, but its source cannot always be determined. The symptoms are slight, often merely persisting pyuria. If the value of both kidneys is the same: (a) no operation may be possible; (b) pelvic stones should be removed; (c) “stag horn” calculi are best left alone, unless there is evidence of fluid distension of the kidneys. When the function is unequal, an absolutely useless pyonephrotic kidney should be removed or drained, but if urine is secreted by both it is advisable to operate on the better kidney first.(4) In cases of calculous anuria, the obstruction is usually found in the upper portion of the ureters. An attempt should be made to relieve it by passing ureteric catheters. If it fails, or if the anuria recurs, immediate operation is necessary. The kidney last obstructed should be drained. The stones should be removed as soon as the effects of the anuria have passed.
机译:仅考虑在两侧同时发现石头的情况。它们占圣彼得医院上尿路结石入院率的9·4%。美国大陆诊所的数字从11%到14%不等,而从验尸记录中获得的数字则接近50%。考虑了四类病例:(1)由于特殊的素质而导致的结石,例如胱氨酸结石。 (2)无菌性双侧结石。 (3)感染双侧结石。 (4)并发无尿的病例。(1)半胱氨酸应通过饮食和碱类进行药物治疗,但尽管治疗仍可能形成结石。它们很容易通过,并且仅在发生撞击时才显示操作。(2)结石相对较小,很少在每侧找到一个以上的结石。如果两侧肾脏功能大致相同,建议同时切除。如果这不可能,那么两次操作之间的间隔不应超过十四天。当功能不平等时,应首先对受损程度更大的肾脏进行第一次手术。(3)当双方感染时,结石通常会很大,肾脏严重受损。感染通常是主要因素,但无法始终确定其来源。症状轻微,通常仅持续性脓尿。如果两个肾脏的价值相同:(a)不能进行手术; (b)应清除骨盆结石; (c)除非有肾脏积水的证据,否则最好将“鹿角”结石单独放置。当功能不平等时,应去除或排空绝对无用的肾盂肾盂肾,但如果二者均分泌尿液,则建议首先对更好的肾脏进行手术。(4)在结石性无尿的情况下,通常会发现阻塞输尿管的上部。应尝试通过输尿管导管以减轻其压力。如果失败或无尿复发,则必须立即手术。最后阻塞的肾脏应排干。一旦无尿症影响消失,应立即清除结石。



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