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Non Classical HLA Genes and Non-HLA Genes in a Population of Infants at Familial Risk of Atopy




Aim: We investigated on parental history and IgE serum level in 2588 consecutive newborns to individuate babies “at risk” of atopy at birth and we analysed the polymorphisms of class III region to evaluate the association with immunogenetic markers of HLA: C4A, C4B, LTA, RAGE and TNFA genes; we performed TNF and IgE receptor (FCERB1) physiologically related gene polymorphisms. Result: 791 babies/2588 (30.6%) were considered “at risk” for atopy and followed-up: 400 had familial history of atopy (at least one parent or sibling), 256 had IgE > 0.35 kUA/l at birth and during the follow-up and 135 were positive for both conditions.The allele C4B2 was significantly more frequent in the sample of babies at risk (22.1% vs 10%, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the mean value of IgE at birth in babies carrying the allele C4B2 was 2.26 KUA/l versus 0.74 KUA/l in those not carrying this allele (p = 0.01). No significant association emerged for RAGE at the centromeric end of class III region and for LTA, TNFA at the telomeric one. TNFRI, TNFRII and FCERB1 gene polymorphisms also seemed not implicated. Conclusion: Our study confirms that HLA class III region seems involved in familial predisposition to atopy, and C4B gene probably acts as a marker of a more restricted subregion.
机译:目的:我们调查了2588名连续新生儿的父母病史和IgE血清水平,以区分出生时有“特应性危险”的婴儿,并分析了III类区域的多态性,以评估其与HLA的免疫遗传学标记的关联:C4A,C4B,LTA ,RAGE和TNFA基因;我们进行了TNF和IgE受体(FCERB1)生理相关的基因多态性。结果:791名婴儿/ 2588名患者(30.6%)被认为患有特应性疾病和随访“风险”:400名具有特应性家族病史(至少一名父母或兄弟姐妹),256名在出生时和出生时IgE> 0.35 kUA / l随访结果和135两种情况均为阳性。高危婴儿样本中等位基因C4B2的频率明显更高(22.1%vs 10%,p <0.001)。此外,携带等位基因C4B2的婴儿出生时的IgE平均值为2.26 KUA / l,而没有携带等位基因的婴儿为0.74 KUA / l(p = 0.01)。在III类区域的着丝粒末端,RAGE和端粒的LTA,TNFA没有显着的相关性。 TNFRI,TNFRII和FCERB1基因多态性似乎也没有涉及。结论:我们的研究证实,HLA III类区域似乎与家族性易感性遗传有关,并且C4B基因可能是限制性更强的子区域的标志。



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