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The effect of 60-Hz magnetic fields on co-promotion of chemically induced skin tumors on SENCAR mice: a discussion of three studies.

机译:60 Hz磁场对SENCAR小鼠化学诱导的皮肤肿瘤共促进的影响:三项研究的讨论。



Three independent experiments involving a total of 288 SENCAR mice were used to study the effects of 60-Hz magnetic fields on the growth and development of skin tumors. Given the constraints imposed by the experimental design, the results did not support a role for magnetic fields as a tumor co-promoter. This negative finding could also be interpreted to mean that the SENCAR mouse skin tumor model was not sensitive enough to detect the action of a weak co-promoter. The two-stage (initiation/promotion) model was used to assess the genotoxic potential of magnetic fields because it had been widely used to evaluate chemical carcinogens. This model, however, lacks the sensitivity to detect all but the most potent direct-acting carcinogens, and the tumor response to the action of low doses of promoter results in large random fluctuations in tumor incidence, yield, and multiplicity. The need to limit tumor incidence in the sham is a necessary condition to ensure that a magnetic field-induced effect on tumorigenesis would have a reasonable chance of being detected. This requirement, and the variability in tumor development between and within experiments, increases the level of uncertainty in the system and makes a weak response to the magnetic field difficult to detect and interpret.
机译:使用涉及288只SENCAR小鼠的三个独立实验来研究60 Hz磁场对皮肤肿瘤生长和发育的影响。考虑到实验设计的局限性,结果不支持磁场作为肿瘤的共同促进者。这个负面发现也可以解释为SENCAR小鼠皮肤肿瘤模型不够灵敏,无法检测弱共同启动子的作用。两阶段(启动/促进)模型用于评估磁场的遗传毒性潜力,因为该模型已广泛用于评估化学致癌物。然而,该模型缺乏检测最有效的直接作用致癌物的敏感性,并且肿瘤对低剂量启动子作用的反应导致肿瘤发生率,产率和多样性的较大随机波动。限制假手术中肿瘤发生的必要条件是确保磁场诱导的对肿瘤发生的作用具有被检测到的合理机会的必要条件。该要求以及实验之间和实验内部肿瘤发展的可变性增加了系统的不确定性水平,并使对磁场的微弱响应难以检测和解释。



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