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Analysis of influenza data generated by four epidemiological surveillance laboratories in Mexico 2010–2016




The disease caused by the influenza virus is a global public health problem due to its high rates of morbidity and mortality. Thus, analysis of the information generated by epidemiological surveillance systems has vital importance for health decision making. A retrospective analysis was performed using data generated by the four molecular diagnostic laboratories of the Mexican Social Security Institute between 2010 and 2016. Demographics, influenza positivity, seasonality, treatment choices and vaccination status analyses were performed for the vaccine according to its composition for each season. In all cases, both the different influenza subtypes and different age groups were considered separately. The circulation of A/H1N1pdm09 (48.7%), influenza A/H3N2 (21.1%), influenza B (12.6%), influenza A not subtyped (11%) and influenza A/H1N1 (6.6%) exhibited well-defined annual seasonality between November and March, and there were significant increases in the number of cases every 2 years. An inadequate use of oseltamivir was determined in 38% of cases, and the vaccination status in general varied between 12.1 and 18.5% depending on the season. Our results provide current information about influenza in Mexico and demonstrate the need to update both operational case definitions and medical practice guidelines to reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics and antivirals.
机译:由流感病毒引起的疾病由于其高发病率和高死亡率而成为全球公共卫生问题。因此,对流行病学监测系统产生的信息进行分析对于健康决策至关重要。回顾性分析使用了墨西哥社会保障研究所的四个分子诊断实验室在2010年至2016年之间生成的数据进行。根据疫苗的每个季节的组成对人口统计学,流感阳性,季节性,治疗选择和疫苗接种状况进行了分析。在所有情况下,都分别考虑了不同的流感亚型和不同的年龄组。 A / H1N1pdm09(48.7%),A / H3N2流感(21.1%),B型流感(12.6%),未分型的A型流感(11%)和A / H1N1型流感(6.6%)的发行量具有明确的年度季节性在11月和3月之间,每2年的病例数显着增加。在38%的病例中确定了奥司他韦的使用不充分,根据季节的不同,疫苗接种状况通常在12.1和18.5%之间变化。我们的结果提供了有关墨西哥流行性感冒的最新信息,并表明需要同时更新操作案例定义和医学实践指南,以减少不适当使用抗生素和抗病毒药的情况。


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