首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Evidence-Based Spine-Care Journal >Complications and Intercenter Variability of Three-Column Resection Osteotomies for Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Retrospective Review of 423 Patients

Complications and Intercenter Variability of Three-Column Resection Osteotomies for Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Retrospective Review of 423 Patients




>Study Type Retrospective review of a prospectively collected multicenter database. >Introduction Three-column resection osteotomies (3CO), including pedicle subtraction osteotomies and vertebral column resections are performed for correction of sagittal deformity; however, they have high rates of reported complications. This study examined the incidence and intercenter variability of major intraoperative complications (IOC), postoperative complications (POC), and overall complications (IOC + POC) up to 6 weeks postoperation. >Objective The aim of the study is to examine the incidence and intercenter variability of major complications associated with 3CO. >Patients and Methods A retrospective review of patients with 3CO from eight different sites was performed. The incidence and types of complications were determined for the study population (N = 423). The analysis compared patients with one (n = 391) and two (n = 32) osteotomies, as well as patients with a thoracic osteotomy (ThO) (n = 72) versus a lumbosacral osteotomy (LSO) (n = 319) of the spine. Subsequent analysis was performed to compare sites with low-osteotomy volumes (< 50 patients) to sites with large osteotomy volumes (more than 50 patients). Major blood loss (MBL) was defined as more than 4L. >Results Of the 423 patients, the incidence of major IOC, POC, and overall complications was 28, 45, and 58%, respectively (). The most common major IOC was MBL (24%) and the most common POC was unplanned return to the operating room (OR) (19%). Other IOC included cord deficit (2.6%), pneumothorax (1.5%), large vessel injury (1.7%), nerve root injury (1.4%), and cardiac arrest (0.2%). Other POC included motor deficit (12.1%), deep infection (7.6%), acute respiratory distress/failure (4.7%), deep venous thrombosis (3.1%), pulmonary embolism (2.8%), arrhythmia (1.2%), reintubation and sepsis (0.7%), cauda equine syndrome, myocardial infarction, visual deficit, stroke (0.5%), and death (0.2%). Patients with one 3CO had significantly less POC (43 vs. 69%, p < 0.01) and overall complications (57 vs. 75%, p < 0.01) than patients with two 3CO (). IOC, MBL, and return to the OR were not significantly different between groups. Patients with ThO had significantly more POC (66 vs. 39%, p < 0.01) and overall complications (76 vs. 53%, p < 0.001) than patients with LSO. Patients with LSO had more MBL (25 vs. 14%, p = 0.04). Patients with ThO had more unplanned return to OR (41 vs. 14%, p < 0.001) (). The incidence of IOC was greater for the low-volume sites than high-volume sites (46 vs. 23%, p < 0.001). Low-volume sites had a higher frequency of patients with MBL than high-volume sites (45 vs. 18%, p < 0.001) (). Patients who experienced MBL had a significantly longer operating time (p < 0.001) and a higher risk of developing other IOC, POC, and overall complications (OR = 2.18, 1.51, 1.63, respectively) than patients who did not experience substantial blood loss. Complication rates by number of three-column resection osteotomies.
机译:>研究类型对前瞻性收集的多中心数据库的回顾性审查。 >简介进行三柱切除术(3CO),包括椎弓根减法截骨术和椎柱切除术,以矫正矢状畸形;但是,他们的并发症发生率很高。这项研究检查了术后6周以内的主要术中并发症(IOC),术后并发症(POC)和总体并发症(IOC + POC)的发生率和中心间变异性。 >目的该研究的目的是检查与3CO相关的主要并发症的发生率和中心间变异性。 >患者和方法对来自八个不同地点的3CO患者进行了回顾性回顾。确定了研究人群的并发症发生率和类型(N = 423)。该分析比较了其中1例(n = 391)和2例(n = 32)的患者,以及胸腰截骨术(nO = 72)与腰s截骨术(LSO)(n = 319)的患者。脊柱。随后进行分析,以比较低骨切开术部位(<50例)和大截骨术部位(超过50例)的情况。严重失血(MBL)被定义为大于4L。 >结果在423例患者中,主要IOC,POC和总体并发症的发生率分别为28%,45%和58%()。最常见的主要IOC是MBL(24%),最常见的POC是计划外返回手术室(OR)(19%)。其他IOC包括脐带缺损(2.6%),气胸(1.5%),大血管损伤(1.7%),神经根损伤(1.4%)和心脏骤停(0.2%)。其他POC包括运动功能障碍(12.1%),深层感染(7.6%),急性呼吸窘迫/衰竭(4.7%),深静脉血栓形成(3.1%),肺栓塞(2.8%),心律不齐(1.2%),重新插管和败血症(0.7%),马尾综合症,心肌梗塞,视力减退,中风(0.5%)和死亡(0.2%)。与两个3CO患者相比,一个3CO患者的POC(43 vs. 69%,p <0.01)和总体并发症(57 vs. 75%,p <0.01)显着更少。两组之间的IOC,MBL和返回OR并无显着差异。与LSO患者相比,ThO患者的POC(66%vs. 39%,p <0.01)和总体并发症(76%vs. 53%,p <0.001)明显多。 LSO患者的MBL更高(25%vs. 14%,p = 0.04)。 ThO患者的计划外手术复发率更高(41%vs. 14%,p <0.001)()。小批量站点的IOC发生率高于大批量站点(46%vs. 23%,p <0.001)。低容量位点的MBL患者的发病率高于高容量位点的患者(45%vs. 18%,p <0.001)()。与未经历大量失血的患者相比,经历过MBL的患者具有更长的手术时间(p <0.001),发生其他IOC,POC和总体并发症的风险更高(分别为OR = 2.18、1.51、1.63)。 <!-fig ft0-> <!-fig mode = article f1-> <!-caption a7->按三栏切除截骨术的并发症发生率。



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