首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM >Review on Prescription Compatibility of Shaoyao Gancao Decoction and Reflection on Pharmacokinetic Compatibility Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Based on In Vivo Drug Interaction of Main Efficacious Components

Review on Prescription Compatibility of Shaoyao Gancao Decoction and Reflection on Pharmacokinetic Compatibility Mechanism of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription Based on In Vivo Drug Interaction of Main Efficacious Components




Shaoyao Gancao Decoction (SGD) derived from Zhang Zhongjing's “Typhoid Theory” is composed of peony and licorice, having the efficacy of nourishing liver, relaxing spasm, and relieving pain. Modern compatibility studies of SGD on chemistry, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics all demonstrate the reasonable compatibility of peony and licorice. However, the present research on pharmacokinetics is only descriptive and limited to the influence on in vivo dynamic process of certain ingredients; correspondingly, there is lack of studies on the essence of these efficacious substances' in vivo changes; that is, whether it is because there exists in vivo drug interaction in absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of active ingredients that leads to the improvement of bioavailability. We herein take SGD as an example and suggest that it is necessary to study in vivo drug interaction of main efficacious components mediated by metabolic enzymes, transport proteins, or plasma protein binding in the course of ADME, which is helpful to illustrate the principle of pharmacokinetic compatibility from the essence leading to the changes of effective substances in vivo.
机译:张仲景“伤寒学说”衍生的少药甘草汤由牡丹和甘草组成,具有养肝,解痉,止痛的功效。 SGD在化学,药理学和药代动力学方面的现代相容性研究都证明了牡丹和甘草具有合理的相容性。然而,目前关于药代动力学的研究仅是描述性的,并且仅限于某些成分对体内动态过程的影响。相应地,缺乏对这些有效物质体内变化本质的研究。也就是说,是否由于体内药物在有效成分的吸收,分布,代谢和排泄(ADME)中存在相互作用而导致生物利用度的提高。本文以SGD为例,认为有必要研究ADME过程中代谢酶,转运蛋白或血浆蛋白结合介导的主要有效成分的体内药物相互作用,这有助于阐明药代动力学原理。从本质上的相容性导致体内有效物质的变化。



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