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Age-Related Declines in the Ability to Modulate Common Input to Bilateral and Unilateral Plantar Flexors During Forward Postural Lean




Aging can impair an ability to lean the body forward to the edge of the base of support. Here, we investigated, using a coherence analysis, common inputs to bilateral and unilateral plantar flexor muscles to test a hypothesis that the age-related impairment would be related to strong synchronous bilateral activation and reduced cortical control of these muscles. Healthy young (n = 14) and elderly adults (n = 19), who were all right-foot dominant, performed quiet standing task and tasks that required the subjects to lean their body forward to 35 and 75% of the maximum lean distance. The electromyogram was recorded from the bilateral medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (SL) muscles. We analyzed delta-band coherence, that reflects comodulation of muscle activity, between the bilateral homologous muscles (MG-MG and SL-SL pairs). The origin of this bilateral comodulation is suggested to be the subcortical system. Also, we examined beta-band coherence, that is related to the corticospinal drive, between the unilateral muscles (MG-SL pair) in the right leg. Results indicated that the bilateral delta-band coherence for the MG-MG pair was significantly smaller in the 75% forward lean than quiet standing and 35% forward lean tasks for the young adults (quiet: p = 0.036; 35%: p = 0.0011). The bilateral delta-band coherence for the SL-SL pair was significantly smaller in the 75% forward lean than 35% forward lean task for the young adults (p = 0.027). Furthermore, the unilateral beta-band coherence was larger in the forward lean than quiet standing task for the young adults (35%: p < 0.001; 75%: p = 0.029). Contrarily, the elderly adults did not demonstrate such changes. These findings suggest the importance of decreasing the synchronous bilateral activation and increasing the unilateral cortical control of the plantar flexor muscles for the successful forward postural lean performance, and that aging impairs this modulatory ability.
机译:老化会削弱将身体向前倾斜到支撑底座边缘的能力。在这里,我们使用相干分析调查了双侧和单侧flex屈肌的共同输入,以检验一个假设,即与年龄相关的损伤将与强烈的同步双侧激活和这些肌肉的皮质控制减少有关。健康的年轻人(n = 14)和老年人(n = 19)都是右脚主导,他们执行安静的站立任务,并且这些任务要求受试者将身体向前倾斜至最大倾斜距离的35%和75%。从双侧内侧腓肠肌(MG)和比目鱼肌(SL)肌肉记录肌电图。我们分析了双边同源肌肉(MG-MG和SL-SL对)之间反映出肌肉活动的共调节的三角带相干性。建议这种双边共调的起源是皮层下系统。此外,我们检查了右腿单侧肌肉(MG-SL对)之间与皮质脊髓驱动相关的β波段一致性。结果表明,MG-MG对的双侧三角带相干性在75%的前倾姿态下比安静站立和35%的前倾姿态年轻得多(安静:p = 0.036; 35%:p = 0.0011) )。 SL-SL对的双侧三角带相干性在75%前倾瘦身中比在年轻人中35%前倾瘦身中显着更小(p = 0.027)。此外,对于年轻人,向前倾斜的单边β波段相干性要比安静站立时大(35%:p <0.001; 75%:p = 0.029)。相反,老年人没有表现出这种变化。这些发现表明,对于成功的前倾姿势瘦身性能,减少同步的双侧激活和增加足底屈肌的单侧皮质控制的重要性,并且衰老削弱了这种调节能力。



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