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Words in the bilingual brain: an fNIRS brain imaging investigation of lexical processing in sign-speech bimodal bilinguals




Early bilingual exposure, especially exposure to two languages in different modalities such as speech and sign, can profoundly affect an individual's language, culture, and cognition. Here we explore the hypothesis that bimodal dual language exposure can also affect the brain's organization for language. These changes occur across brain regions universally important for language and parietal regions especially critical for sign language (Newman et al., ). We investigated three groups of participants (N = 29) that completed a word repetition task in American Sign Language (ASL) during fNIRS brain imaging. Those groups were (1) hearing ASL-English bimodal bilinguals (n = 5), (2) deaf ASL signers (n = 7), and (3) English monolinguals naïve to sign language (n = 17). The key finding of the present study is that bimodal bilinguals showed reduced activation in left parietal regions relative to deaf ASL signers when asked to use only ASL. In contrast, this group of bimodal signers showed greater activation in left temporo-parietal regions relative to English monolinguals when asked to switch between their two languages (Kovelman et al., ). Converging evidence now suggest that bimodal bilingual experience changes the brain bases of language, including the left temporo-parietal regions known to be critical for sign language processing (Emmorey et al., ). The results provide insight into the resilience and constraints of neural plasticity for language and bilingualism.
机译:早期的双语接触,特别是两种语言以不同的方式(如言语和符号)接触,会深刻影响个人的语言,文化和认知。在这里,我们探讨了双峰双重语言暴露也会影响大脑组织语言的假设。这些变化发生在对语言和顶叶区域普遍重要的大脑区域,特别是对手语至关重要的区域(Newman等,)。我们调查了三组参与者(N = 29),他们在fNIRS脑部成像期间完成了美国手语(ASL)的单词重复任务。这些小组是(1)聆听ASL-英语双峰双语者(n = 5),(2)聋人ASL签名者(n = 7)和(3)天真懂英语的手语(n = 17)。本研究的主要发现是,与双耳双语者相比,双峰双语者在要求仅使用ASL时左顶区的激活减少。相反,当被要求在两种语言之间切换时,这组双峰签名者相对于英语单语者在左颞顶叶区域显示出更大的激活作用(Kovelman et al。,)。现在有越来越多的证据表明,双峰双语经验会改变语言的大脑基础,包括左手颞顶区域,这对手语处理至关重要(Emmorey et al。,)。结果提供了对语言和双语的神经可塑性的弹性和约束的见解。



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