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The linkage of innate and adaptive immune response during granulomatous development




Granulomas represent a spectrum of inflammatory sequestration responses that may be initiated by a variety of agents, including non-infectious environmental factors and infectious microbial pathogens. Although this reaction is designed to be protective, the associated tissue injury is often responsible for a profound degree of pathology. While many of the mechanisms that sustain the development of the granuloma are enigmatic, it is accepted that the maintenance of this inflammatory process is dependent upon dynamic interactions between an inciting agent, inflammatory mediators, various immune and inflammatory cells, and structural cells of the involved tissue. The best studied of the host-dependent processes during granuloma development is the innate and adaptive immune response. The innate immune response by antigen-presenting cells [APCs; dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages] is initiated quickly to protect from overwhelming pathogens, but with time, can also activate the adaptive immune response. APCs, essential regulators of the innate immune response, can respond to microbial ligands through Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which function in the recognition of microbial components and play an important role to link the innate and adaptive immune responses. CD4+ T helper (Th) cells are essential regulators of adaptive immune responses and inflammatory diseases. Recently, the Notch system has been shown to be an important bridge between APCs and T cell communication circuits. In the present review, we discuss recent findings that explore the mechanisms in the linkage of innate and adaptive immunity, including granulomatous formation though TLRs and Notch activation.
机译:肉芽肿代表了一系列的炎症螯合反应,可能由多种因素引发,包括非感染性环境因素和感染性微生物病原体。尽管此反应被设计为具有保护性,但相关的组织损伤通常是造成严重病理的原因。尽管维持肉芽肿发展的许多机制都是未知的,但人们公认,这种炎症过程的维持取决于诱导剂,炎症介质,各种免疫和炎症细胞以及所涉及的结构细胞之间的动态相互作用。组织。对肉芽肿发展过程中依赖宿主的过程进行的研究最多的是先天性和适应性免疫反应。抗原呈递细胞[APC]的先天免疫应答。树突状细胞(DC)和巨噬细胞]可以快速启动以保护免受病原体的侵害,但是随着时间的流逝,它们也可以激活适应性免疫反应。 APC是先天性免疫反应的重要调节剂,可以通过Toll样受体(TLR)对微生物配体作出反应,该功能在识别微生物成分中起着重要的作用,将先天性免疫反应与适应性免疫反应联系起来。 CD4 + T辅助(Th)细胞是适应性免疫反应和炎症性疾病的重要调节剂。最近,Notch系统已被证明是APC与T细胞通信电路之间的重要桥梁。在本综述中,我们讨论了最近的发现,这些发现探索了固有免疫和适应性免疫之间的联系机制,包括通过TLR和Notch激活形成肉芽肿。



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