首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Immunology >Clonal Exhaustion as a Mechanism to Protect Against Severe Immunopathology and Death from an Overwhelming CD8 T Cell Response

Clonal Exhaustion as a Mechanism to Protect Against Severe Immunopathology and Death from an Overwhelming CD8 T Cell Response

机译:克隆耗竭作为防止严重免疫病理和死亡的机制从压倒性的CD8 T细胞反应。



The balance between protective immunity and immunopathology often determines the fate of the virus-infected host. How rapidly virus is cleared is a function of initial viral load, viral replication rate, and efficiency of the immune response. Here, we demonstrate, with three different inocula of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), how the race between virus replication and T cell responses can result in different disease outcomes. A low dose of LCMV generated efficient CD8 T effector cells, which cleared the virus with minimal lung and liver pathology. A high dose of LCMV resulted in clonal exhaustion of T cell responses, viral persistence, and little immunopathology. An intermediate dose only partially exhausted the T cell responses and resulted in significant mortality, and the surviving mice developed viral persistence and massive immunopathology, including necrosis of the lungs and liver. This suggests that for non-cytopathic viruses like LCMV, hepatitis C virus, and hepatitis B virus, clonal exhaustion may be a protective mechanism preventing severe immunopathology and death.
机译:保护性免疫和免疫病理之间的平衡通常决定了病毒感染宿主的命运。清除病毒的速度取决于初始病毒载量,病毒复制速率和免疫反应效率。在这里,我们展示了使用三种不同的淋巴细胞性脉络膜脑膜炎病毒(LCMV)接种物,病毒复制与T细胞反应之间的竞争如何导致不同的疾病结果。低剂量的LCMV可产生有效的CD8 T效应细胞,从而以最小的肺和肝病理学清除病毒。高剂量的LCMV导致T细胞反应的克隆耗竭,病毒持续存在和很少的免疫病理学变化。中等剂量仅能部分耗尽T细胞应答并导致明显的死亡,幸存的小鼠出现了病毒持续性和大量免疫病理,包括肺和肝坏死。这表明对于LCMV,丙型肝炎病毒和乙型肝炎病毒等非细胞病变病毒,克隆耗竭可能是防止严重免疫病理和死亡的保护机制。



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