首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Frontiers in Physiology >Association of Basal Hyperglucagonemia with Impaired Glucagon Counterregulation in Type 1 Diabetes

Association of Basal Hyperglucagonemia with Impaired Glucagon Counterregulation in Type 1 Diabetes




Glucagon counterregulation (GCR) protects against hypoglycemia, but is impaired in type 1 diabetes (T1DM). A model-based analysis of in vivo animal data predicts that the GCR defects are linked to basal hyperglucagonemia. To test this hypothesis we studied the relationship between basal glucagon (BasG) and the GCR response to hypoglycemia in 29 hyperinsulinemic clamps in T1DM patients. Glucose levels were stabilized in euglycemia and then steadily lowered to 50 mg/dL. Glucagon was measured before induction of hypoglycemia and at 10 min intervals after glucose reached levels below 70 mg/dL. GCR was assessed by CumG, the cumulative glucagon levels above basal; MaxG, the maximum glucagon response; and RIG, the relative increase in glucagon over basal. Analysis of the results was performed with our mathematical model of GCR. The model describes interactions between islet peptides and glucose, reproduces the normal GCR axis and its impairment in diabetes. It was used to identify a control mechanism consistent with the observed link between BasG and GCR. Analysis of the clinical data showed that higher BasG was associated with lower GCR response. In particular, CumG and RIG correlated negatively with BasG (r = −0.46, p = 0.012 and r = −0.74, p < 0.0001 respectively) and MaxG increased linearly with BasG at a rate less than unity (p < 0.001). Consistent with these results was a model of GCR in which the secretion of glucagon has two components. The first is under (auto) feedback control and drives a pulsatile GCR and the second is feedback independent (basal secretion) and its increase suppresses the GCR. Our simulations showed that this model explains the observed relationships between BasG and GCR during a three-fold simulated increase in BasG. Our findings support the hypothesis that basal hyperglucagonemia contributes to the GCR impairment in T1DM and show that the predictive power of our GCR animal model applies to human pathophysiology in T1DM.
机译:胰高血糖素抵抗调节(GCR)可防止低血糖,但在1型糖尿病(T1DM)中受损。基于模型的体内动物数据分析预测,GCR缺陷与基础高血糖素血症有关。为了验证该假设,我们研究了29例T1DM患者的高胰岛素钳位中基础胰高血糖素(BasG)与GCR对低血糖反应的关系。血糖水平在正常血糖中稳定下来,然后稳定地降至50μmg/ dL。在诱导低血糖之前以及在葡萄糖达到低于70μmg/ dL的水平后的10分钟间隔内测量胰高血糖素。用CumG评估GCR,其累积的胰高血糖素水平高于基础水平; MaxG,胰高血糖素的最大反应;和RIG,胰高血糖素相对于基础的相对增加。使用我们的GCR数学模型对结果进行分析。该模型描述了胰岛肽和葡萄糖之间的相互作用,复制了正常的GCR轴及其在糖尿病中的损害。它被用来确定与BasG和GCR之间观察到的联系一致的控制机制。临床数据分析表明,较高的BasG与较低的GCR反应有关。特别是,CumG和RIG与BasG呈负相关(r = -0.46,p = 0.012和r = -0.74,p <10.0001),并且MaxG与BasG呈线性关系,且小于统一(p <0.001)。与这些结果一致的是GCR模型,其中胰高血糖素的分泌具有两个成分。第一个处于(自动)反馈控制下并驱动搏动性GCR,第二个独立于反馈(基础分泌物),其增加抑制了GCR。我们的模拟表明,该模型解释了在模拟的BasG增长三倍的过程中,BasG与GCR之间的关系。我们的发现支持以下假设:基础性高血糖素血症可导致T1DM中的GCR受损,并表明我们的GCR动物模型的预测能力适用于T1DM中的人类病理生理。



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