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Sleep–Wake Cycle in Young and Older Mice




Sleep plays a key role in multiple cognitive functions and sleep pattern changes with aging. Human studies revealed that aging decreases sleep efficiency and reduces the total sleep time, the time spent in slow-wave sleep (SWS), and the delta power (1–4 Hz) during sleep; however, some studies of sleep and aging in mice reported opposing results. The aim of our work is to estimate how features of sleep–wake state in mice during aging could correspond to age-dependent changes observed in human. In this study, we investigated the sleep/wake cycle in young (3 months old) and older (12 months old) C57BL/6 mice using local-field potentials (LFPs). We found that older adult mice sleep more than young ones but only during the dark phase of sleep-wake cycle. Sleep fragmentation and sleep during the active phase (dark phase of cycle), homologous to naps, were higher in older mice. Older mice show a higher delta power in frontal cortex, which was accompanied with similar trend for age differences in slow wave density. We also investigated regional specificity of sleep–wake electrographic activities and found that globally posterior regions of the cortex show more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep whereas somatosensory cortex displays more often SWS patterns. Our results indicate that the effects of aging on the sleep–wake activities in mice occur mainly during the dark phase and the electrode location strongly influence the state detection. Despite some differences in sleep–wake cycle during aging between human and mice, some features of mice sleep share similarity with human sleep during aging.
机译:睡眠在多种认知功能中起关键作用,并且睡眠方式会随着年龄的增长而变化。人体研究表明,衰老会降低睡眠效率,并减少总睡眠时间,慢波睡眠(SWS)所花费的时间以及睡眠期间的功率增量(1-4 Hz)。然而,一些关于小鼠睡眠和衰老的研究报告了相反的结果。我们的工作目的是评估衰老过程中小鼠的睡眠-觉醒状态特征如何与人类观察到的年龄依赖性变化相对应。在这项研究中,我们使用局域电位(LFP)研究了C57BL / 6小鼠(3个月大)和3个月大(12个月大)的睡眠/唤醒周期。我们发现,成年小鼠的睡眠要多于年轻小鼠,但仅在睡眠觉醒周期的黑暗阶段。睡眠碎片和活动阶段(周期的黑暗阶段)的睡眠与小睡相似,在老年小鼠中较高。年龄较大的小鼠在额叶皮层中表现出更高的三角洲屈光度,并伴随着慢波密度年龄差异的相似趋势。我们还研究了睡眠-唤醒电子照相活动的区域特异性,发现皮质的整体后部区域显示出更快的眼动(REM)睡眠,而体感皮质显示出更多的SWS模式。我们的结果表明,衰老对小鼠睡眠/唤醒活动的影响主要发生在黑暗阶段,电极位置强烈影响状态检测。尽管人与小鼠在衰老过程中的睡眠-觉醒周期有所不同,但小鼠睡眠的某些特征与衰老过程中的人类睡眠具有相似之处。



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