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Organization of Posterior Parietal–Frontal Connections in the Rat




Recent investigations of the rat posterior parietal cortex (PPC) suggest that this region plays a central role in action control together with the frontal cortical areas. Posterior parietal-frontal cortical connections have been described in rats, but little is known about whether these connections are topographically organized as in the primate. Here, we injected retrograde and anterograde tracers into subdivisions of PPC as well as the frontal midline and orbital cortical areas to explore possible topographies within their connections. We found that PPC projects to several frontal cortical areas, largely reciprocating the densest input received from the same areas. All PPC subdivisions are strongly connected with the secondary motor cortex (M2) in a topographically organized manner. The medial subdivision (medial posterior parietal cortex, mPPC) has a dense reciprocal connection with the most caudal portion of M2 (cM2), whereas the lateral subdivision (lateral posterior parietal cortex, lPPC) and the caudolateral subdivision (PtP) are reciprocally connected with the intermediate rostrocaudal portion of M2 (iM2). Sparser reciprocal connections were seen with anterior cingulate area 24b. mPPC connects with rostral, and lPPC and PtP connect with caudal parts of 24b, respectively. There are virtually no connections with area 24a, nor with prelimbic or infralimbic cortex. PPC and orbitofrontal cortices are also connected, showing a gradient such that mPPC entertains reciprocal connections mainly with the ventral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), whereas lPPC and PtP are preferentially connected with medial and central portions of ventrolateral OFC, respectively. Our results thus indicate that the connections of PPC with frontal cortices are organized in a topographical fashion, supporting functional heterogeneity within PPC and frontal cortices.
机译:对大鼠后顶叶皮质(PPC)的最新研究表明,该区域与额叶皮层区域一起在动作控制中起着核心作用。在大鼠中已经描述了后顶叶-额叶皮层连接,但是对于这些连接是否像灵长类动物一样在地形上组织还知之甚少。在这里,我们将逆行和顺行示踪剂注入PPC以及前中线和眶皮质区域,以探索它们之间可能存在的地形。我们发现PPC投影到几个额叶皮层区域,在很大程度上往复运动是从相同区域收到的最密集的输入。所有PPC细分均以地形组织方式与次要运动皮质(M2)紧密相连。内侧细分(内侧后顶叶皮质,mPPC)与M2的最尾部部分紧密密接,而外侧细分(外侧后顶叶皮质,lPPC)和后外侧细分(PtP)与M2(iM2)的中间尾鳍部分。在前扣带区域24b看到稀疏的相互连接。 mPPC与鼻尖相连,lPPC和PtP分别与24b的尾部相连。实际上与区域24a无关,也与前缘或下缘皮质没有任何联系。 PPC和眶额皮质也连接在一起,显示出一个梯度,使得mPPC主要与腹侧眶额皮质(OFC)进行相互连接,而lPPC和PtP分别优先与腹侧OFC的内侧和中央连接。因此,我们的结果表明,PPC与额叶皮层的连接以拓扑方式组织,支持了PPC和额叶皮层内的功能异质性。



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