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Whole Genome Sequencing of Mycobacterium bovis Isolated From Livestock in the United States 1989–2018




The United States official bovine tuberculosis (bTB) eradication program has utilized genotyping for Mycobacterium bovis isolates since 2000 and whole genome sequencing was implemented in 2013. The program has been highly successful, yet as bTB prevalence has reached historic lows, a small number of new bTB-affected cattle herds occur annually. Therefore, understanding the epidemiology of bTB transmission is critically important, in order to target limited resources for surveillance and achieve eradication. This evaluation described the diversity and epidemiology of M. bovis isolates identified in the USA livestock. Isolates from animals within the bTB endemic area of Michigan were excluded. Broad diversity was found among 1,248 isolates, collected from affected cattle and farmed cervids herds and fed cattle during 1989–2018. Nearly 70% of isolates from 109 herds/cases during 1999–2018 were European clonal complex 1 and 30% were European clonal complex 2. The sources of infection based on the herd investigation were known for 41% of herds/cases and 59% were not epidemiologically linked to another USA origin herd. Whole genome sequencing results were consistent with the investigation findings and previously unrecognized links between herds and cases were disclosed. For herds/cases with an unknown source of infection, WGS results suggested several possible sources, including undocumented cattle movement, imported cattle and humans. The use of WGS in new cases has reduced the time and costs associated with epidemiological investigations. Within herd SNP diversity was evaluated by examining 18 herds with 10 or more isolates sequenced. Forty percent of isolates had not diverged or accumulated any SNPs, and 86% of the isolates had accumulated 3 or fewer SNPs. The results of WGS does not support a bTB reservoir in USA cattle. The bTB eradication program appears to be highly effective as the majority of herds/cases in the USA are unique strains with limited herd to herd transmission.
机译:美国官方的根除牛结核病(bTB)计划自2000年以来就已对牛分枝杆菌分离株进行了基因分型,并于2013年实施了全基因组测序。该计划取得了巨大成功,但由于bTB患病率已达到历史最低水平,少数新的受bTB影响的牛群每年发生一次。因此,了解bTB传播的流行病学至关重要,以便将有限的资源用于监视并实现根除。该评价描述了在美国牲畜中鉴定的牛分枝杆菌的多样性和流行病学。排除了密歇根州bTB流行地区的动物分离株。在1989-2018年期间,从受影响的牛,饲养的子宫颈牛群和饲养的牛中收集了1,248个分离株,发现了广泛的多样性。在1999–2018年间,来自109个牧群/病例的近70%分离株为欧洲克隆复合体1,30%为欧洲克隆复合体2。基于牧群调查的感染源已知为41%的牧群/病例,而59%为在流行病学上与另一个美国血统没有联系。全基因组测序结果与调查结果一致,并揭示了先前无法识别的牛群与病例之间的联系。对于感染源未知的畜群/病例,WGS结果表明有几种可能的来源,包括无记录的牛群活动,进口的牛群和人类。在新病例中使用WGS减少了与流行病学调查相关的时间和成本。在牛群内,SNP的多样性是通过检查18个具有10个或更多分离株的牛群来评估的。 40%的分离株没有发散或积累任何SNP,86%的分离株没有积累3个或更少的SNP。 WGS的结果不支持美国牛的bTB储库。 bTB根除计划似乎非常有效,因为在美国,大多数牛群/病例都是独特的毒株,从牛群到牛群的传播受到限制。



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