首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>G3: GenesGenomesGenetics >Origin and Length Distribution of Unidirectional Prokaryotic Overlapping Genes

Origin and Length Distribution of Unidirectional Prokaryotic Overlapping Genes




Prokaryotic unidirectional overlapping genes can be originated by disrupting and replacing of the start or stop codon of one protein-coding gene with another start or stop codon within the adjacent gene. However, the probability of disruption and replacement of a start or stop codon may differ significantly depending on the number and redundancy of the start and stop codons sets. Here, we performed a simulation study of the formation of unidirectional overlapping genes using a simple model of nucleotide change and contrasted it with empirical data. Our results suggest that overlaps originated by an elongation of the 3′-end of the upstream gene are significantly more frequent than those originated by an elongation of the 5′-end of the downstream gene. According to this, we propose a model for the creation of unidirectional overlaps that is based on the disruption probabilities of start codon and stop codon sets and on the different probabilities of phase 1 and phase 2 overlaps. Additionally, our results suggest that phase 2 overlaps are formed at higher rates than phase 1 overlaps, given the same evolutionary time. Finally, we propose that there is no need to invoke selection to explain the prevalence of long phase 1 unidirectional overlaps. Rather, the overrepresentation of long phase 1 relative to long phase 2 overlaps might occur because it is highly probable that phase 2 overlaps are retained as short overlaps by chance. Such a pattern is stronger if selection against very long overlaps is included in the model. Our model as a whole is able to explain to a large extent the empirical length distribution of unidirectional overlaps in prokaryotic genomes.



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