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Prevention and health promotion in undergraduate medical education: Preferences attitudes and previous knowledge of medical students - a cross-sectional study




>Objective: The interdisciplinary topic "prevention and health promotion" (Q10) was introduced into the medical training in Germany by the new medical licensing regulations in 2004. For the conception of an effective curriculum, it is helpful to know student preferences concerning teaching-formats, attitudes and self-estimated previous knowledge. Little is known concerning student perception of “prevention and health promotion” in Germany. Thus, this explorative cross-sectional study aims to provide a first step for closing this gap.>Methods: Medical students (n=220) in the fifth academic year were asked to fill in a standardized questionnaire prior to the Q10 curriculum. Questions focused on preferences for teaching and testing formats and self-estimated previous knowledge as well as on rating the importance of prevention topics and health risks. The questions were multiple choice, five-point Likert scales and open-ended questions. >Results: A total of 94 students filled questionnaires (42% response rate). Prevention and health promotion was rated as “important” or “very important” for their “own medical professionalism” by 68% of students. Ratings showed preferences for self-directed teaching and learning strategies, including case-based learning, and 78% wished for predominantly oral examinations. The self-estimated knowledge about prevention and health promotion is rated as “rather poor”. The most favored training aim was “decision making within the physician-patient-relationship”. Regarding medical health consultation, students frequently estimate “lifestyle factors” and “psychological disease” as being "very important". >Conclusion: Students’ self-estimated poor previous knowledge of prevention and health promotion creates special challenges for curriculum development. High ratings of relevance assigned to prevention-related topics point to a motivational potential which should be utilized through suitable selection of teaching and testing formats to achieve effective and practice-relevant instructional content.
机译:>目的:跨学科主题“预防与健康促进”(Q10)于2004年通过新的医疗许可法规引入德国的医学培训中。对于有效课程的构想,它有助于了解学生对教学形式,态度和自我估计的先前知识的偏好。关于学生对德国“预防和健康促进”的看法知之甚少。因此,这项探索性横断面研究旨在为弥合这一差距提供第一步。>方法:要求第五个学年的医学生(n = 220)填写一份标准化问卷,然后再进行调查。 Q10课程。问题集中于对教学和测试形式的偏爱以及对自身知识的自我估计,以及对预防主题和健康风险重要性的评估。这些问题是多项选择题,五点李克特量表和开放式问题。 >结果:共有94名学生填写了调查表(答复率为42%)。 68%的学生将预防和健康促进视为其“自己的医学专业”的“重要”或“非常重要”。评分显示偏向于自我指导的教学策略,包括基于案例的学习,而78%的受访者希望主要进行口试。关于预防和健康促进的自我估计知识被评为“相当差”。最受青睐的培训目标是“在医患关系范围内做出决定”。关于医疗健康咨询,学生经常估计“生活方式因素”和“心理疾病”为“非常重要”。 >结论:学生以前对预防和健康促进的认识很差,这对课程开发提出了特殊的挑战。分配给与预防有关的主题的高度相关性指出了激发潜力,应通过适当选择教学和测试形式来利用激励潜能,以实现有效的和与实践相关的教学内容。



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