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Helicobacter pylori infection induced gastric cancer; advance in gastric stem cell research and the remaining challenges




Helicobacter pylori infection is the major cause of gastric cancer, which remains an important health care challenge. Recent investigation in gastric stem cell or progenitor cell biology has uncovered valuable information in understanding the gastric gland renewal and maintenance of homeostasis, they also provide clues for further defining the mechanisms by which gastric cancer may originate and progress. Lgr5, Villin-promoter, TFF2-mRNA and Mist have recently been identified as gastric stem/progenitor cell markers; their identification enriched our understanding on the gastric stem cell pathobiology during chronic inflammation and metaplasia. In addition, advance in gastric cancer stem cell markers such as CD44, CD90, CD133, Musashi-1 reveal novel information on tumor cell behavior and disease progression implicated for therapeutics. However, two critical questions remain to be of considerable challenges for future exploration; one is how H. pylori or chronic inflammation affects gastric stem cell or their progenitors, which give rise to mucus-, acid-, pepsinogen-, and hormone-secreting cell lineages. Another one is how bacterial infection or inflammation induces oncogenic transformation and propagates into tumors. Focus on the interactions of H. pylori with gastric stem/progenitor cells and their microenvironment will be instrumental to decipher the initiation and origin of gastric cancer. Future studies in these areas will be critical to uncover molecular mechanisms of chronic inflammation-mediated oncogenic transformation and provide options for cancer prevention and intervention. We review recent progress and discuss future research directions in these important research fields.
机译:幽门螺杆菌感染是胃癌的主要原因,这仍然是重要的医疗保健挑战。胃干细胞或祖细胞生物学的最新研究揭示了了解胃腺更新和维持体内稳态的有价值的信息,它们还为进一步确定胃癌可能起源和发展的机制提供了线索。 Lgr5,Villin启动子,TFF2-mRNA和Mist最近被鉴定为胃干/祖细胞标志物。它们的鉴定丰富了我们对慢性炎症和化生过程中胃干细胞病理生物学的了解。此外,胃癌干细胞标记(例如CD44,CD90,CD133,Musashi-1)的进展揭示了与治疗有关的肿瘤细胞行为和疾病进展的新信息。但是,两个关键问题仍然是未来探索的巨大挑战。一种是幽门螺杆菌或慢性炎症如何影响胃干细胞或其祖细胞,从而引起粘液,酸,胃蛋白酶原和激素分泌细胞谱系。另一个是细菌感染或炎症如何诱发致癌性转化并传播到肿瘤中。着重于幽门螺杆菌与胃干/祖细胞及其微环境的相互作用将有助于破译胃癌的起源。这些领域的未来研究对于揭示慢性炎症介导的致癌转化的分子机制至关重要,并为癌症的预防和干预提供了选择。我们回顾了这些重要研究领域的最新进展并讨论了未来的研究方向。



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