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Hospital mergers and market overlap.




OBJECTIVE: To address two questions: What are the characteristics of hospitals that affect the likelihood of their being involved in a merger? What characteristics of particular pairs of hospitals affect the likelihood of the pair engaging in a merger? DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: Hospitals in the 12 county region surrounding the San Francisco Bay during the period 1983 to 1992 were the focus of the study. Data were drawn from secondary sources, including the Lexis/Nexis database, the American Hospital Association, and the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development of the State of California. STUDY DESIGN: Seventeen hospital mergers during the study period were identified. A random sample of pairs of hospitals that did not merge was drawn to establish a statistically efficient control set. Models constructed from hypotheses regarding hospital and market characteristics believed to be related to merger likelihood were tested using logistic regression analysis. DATA COLLECTION: See Data Sources/Study Setting. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The analysis shows that the likelihood of a merger between a particular pair of hospitals is positively related to the degree of market overlap that exists between them. Furthermore, market overlap and performance difference interact in their effect on merger likelihood. In an analysis of individual hospitals, conditions of rivalry, hospital market share, and hospital size were not found to influence the likelihood that a hospital will engage in a merger. CONCLUSIONS: Mergers between hospitals are not driven directly by considerations of market power or efficiency as much as by the existence of specific merger opportunities in the hospitals' local markets. Market overlap is a condition that enables a merger to occur, but other factors, such as the relative performance levels of the hospitals in question and their ownership and teaching status, also play a role in influencing the likelihood that a merger will in fact take place.
机译:目的:要解决两个问题:医院的哪些特征会影响其参与合并的可能性?特定医院对的哪些特征会影响这对医院进行合并的可能性?数据来源/研究背景:1983年至1992年期间,位于旧金山湾附近的12个县地区的医院是研究的重点。数据来自包括Lexis / Nexis数据库,美国医院协会和加利福尼亚州全州卫生计划与发展办公室在内的二级来源。研究设计:研究期间确定了17家医院合并。抽取未合并医院对的随机样本以建立统计上有效的对照集。使用logistic回归分析测试了由与医院和市场特征有关的假设构成的模型,这些假设被认为与合并的可能性有关。数据收集:请参阅数据源/研究设置。主要发现:分析表明,一对特定医院之间合并的可能性与它们之间存在的市场重叠程度成正相关。此外,市场重叠和绩效差异会影响合并可能性。在对个别医院的分析中,没有发现竞争条件,医院市场份额和医院规模会影响医院进行合并的可能性。结论:医院之间的合并不是直接由市场力量或效率的考虑驱动的,而是由医院本地市场中特定合并机会的存在直接驱动的。市场重叠是使合并发生的条件,但是其他因素,例如所涉医院的相对绩效水平以及它们的所有权和教学状况,也对合并实际上发生的可能性产生影响。 。



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